
时间:2018-09-03 01:40:44
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校园英语刊物投稿范文初中 篇一

标题:The Importance of Extracurricular Activities in Junior High School

Extracurricular activities play a crucial role in the overall development of junior high school students. While academics are important, participating in extracurricular activities can provide students with valuable skills and experiences that cannot be gained in the classroom alone. In this article, we will explore the benefits of extracurricular activities and why every junior high school student should get involved.

Firstly, participating in extracurricular activities allows students to explore their interests and discover new passions. Many students may have hidden talents or abilities that they are unaware of until they try different activities. Whether it's joining a sports team, participating in a school club, or taking part in a musical production, extracurricular activities provide students with opportunities to explore and develop their skills in a variety of areas.

Secondly, extracurricular activities help students develop important life skills. Through these activities, students learn how to manage their time effectively, set goals, and work collaboratively with others. They also learn valuable skills such as leadership, communication, and problem-solving, which are essential for success in the future. These skills cannot be taught solely through textbooks and lectures, but are best acquired through hands-on experiences that extracurricular activities provide.

Furthermore, participating in extracurricular activities can enhance a student's college and job applications. Admissions officers and employers often look for individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to their interests and have a well-rounded skill set. By actively participating in extracurricular activities, students can showcase their abilities and achievements outside of the classroom, making them stand out among their peers.

Lastly, extracurricular activities contribute to the overall well-being and happiness of students. Engaging in activities they enjoy can reduce stress and provide a sense of belonging and accomplishment. It also allows students to build friendships and develop social skills, which are important for their personal growth and future success.

In conclusion, participating in extracurricular activities is highly beneficial for junior high school students. It not only helps them explore their interests and develop new skills, but also enhances their college and job applications, and contributes to their overall well-being. Therefore, it is important for schools to provide a variety of extracurricular activities and encourage students to get involved. By doing so, we can ensure that our students have a well-rounded education and are prepared for future challenges.

校园英语刊物投稿范文初中 篇二

标题:The Impact of Social Media on Junior High School Students

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, especially for junior high school students. While social media platforms offer numerous benefits, there are also potential negative impacts on students' mental health, academic performance, and personal relationships. In this article, we will discuss the impact of social media on junior high school students and offer suggestions on how to use it responsibly.

Firstly, social media can negatively affect students' mental health. Constant exposure to carefully curated posts and images can lead to feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem. Students may compare themselves to others and feel inadequate or left out. Additionally, cyberbullying has become a prevalent issue on social media platforms, causing emotional distress and even leading to depression or anxiety in some cases. It is important for students to be aware of these potential negative effects and to seek support if they are experiencing any difficulties.

Secondly, social media can distract students from their academic responsibilities. The addictive nature of social media can make it difficult for students to focus on their studies and complete assignments. Spending excessive amounts of time on social media can result in poor time management and decreased productivity. It is crucial for students to find a balance between their online and offline activities and to prioritize their academic commitments.

Furthermore, social media can have a negative impact on personal relationships. Excessive use of social media can lead to a lack of face-to-face interaction and communication skills. Students may become more isolated and have difficulty building and maintaining real-life friendships. It is important for students to remember the importance of personal connections and to make time for offline social interactions.

To use social media responsibly, students should be mindful of their online behavior and the impact it can have on themselves and others. They should be cautious about sharing personal information and be aware of the potential consequences of their posts. It is also important for parents and educators to educate students about online safety and the importance of digital citizenship.

In conclusion, while social media offers numerous benefits, it also has potential negative impacts on junior high school students. It is essential for students to be aware of these impacts and to use social media responsibly. By fostering a healthy relationship with social media and seeking support when needed, students can navigate the digital world in a way that positively contributes to their overall well-being and personal development.

校园英语刊物投稿范文初中 篇三



A:Hello,boys and girls.


AB:Welcome to our English Corner.

A:I'm Deng Jiajia

B:I'm Deng Zeying

AB:We're from Class 12,Grade6.






A:今天是我们英语角栏目广播的第一天,大家肯定很期待吧。 首先,就请同学们进入我们的第一个版块:“Say you say me.xxx你说我说。






A:今天的“Say you say mexxx节目中我向大家介绍的英语学习方法,大家课都要记住哦。

校园英语刊物投稿范文初中 篇四

A:Good afternoon :

Teachers and students ,welcome to our Happy English!



A: Hello, boys and girls. Im from Class Grade .


B:My name is from Class Grade . 我是

B: Nice to meet you .很高兴在这里和大家度过午间的15分钟。

A:首先,请同学们进入我们的第一个版块:Say you Say me,说你说我。

B: 我国素称礼仪之邦,其重视礼节程度不亚于欧美任何一国。但是由于中西风俗习惯有很大的差异,如果我们对此不了解,在与英美人进行交往时,就会引起对方的误会,发生不必要的误解。

A: 这里我仅把英美人在问候、告辞和称呼上的`礼节习惯介绍给大家,以便有助于大家的英语学习和同外国朋友的交往。

AB: 一、 Greetings 问候

A: 我们中国人见面打招呼时习惯说:您吃过了吗?(Have you eaten? / Have you had your meal?)或者说:您上哪去?(Where are you going? )。

B: 而英美人见面时如果是上午则说:Good morning. 如果是在下午则说:Good afternoon, 在傍晚就说:Good evening. 如果与熟人打招呼则说:How are you? 如果是与较熟的人或朋友打招呼则说:Hello, 或Hi.

A: 如果用我们中国人见面打招呼时常说的Have you eaten?去问候英美人,就会引起对方的误解,因为Have you eaten?在英语里不是打招呼用语,而是邀请对方去吃饭。

B: 如果见到英美人时说:Where are you going?他们会很不高兴。因为Where are you going?对英美人来说则是即干涉别人的私事。

A: 二、 Parting 告辞

到别人家串门或作客,告辞时,英美人习惯说:I should go now. 或 Id better be going now.意思都是我得走了。

英美人在告辞时从不说:ll go back.(我回去了。)或ll go first.(我先走了。)因为在英语里, ll go first.的意思是:时间不早了,客人们该离开了。我先走给大家起了头,其他客人也应该马上离去。

B:三、 Addressing People 称呼

平时,我们听到有些学生称呼老师为Teacher Wang(王老师),Teacher Li(李老师),即便对外籍教师也是如此称呼。其实这是不符合英美人习惯的。

在英语中,teacher不能用于称呼。那么怎么来称呼老师才符合英语习惯呢?一般来说,英美人称呼中小学的男老师为Sir,或Mr,女教师为Miss,如 Mr wang Miss Lin Miss Green.


A: 又到了学习美国俚语的时间了!**,你还记得我们上期的内容吗?

B: of course.在上期节目中我们介绍了一个俚语,doggy bag。不知道同学们还记不记得它是什么意思呢?对了,打包的食物的纸袋子被称为doggy bag.

A: 今天我们要说说green,绿色。

B: 难道连green,绿色,也有大学问?

A: Yes. 西方文化中的绿色(green)象征意义跟青绿的草木颜色有很大的联系,是植物的生命色。它不仅象征着青春、活力,如 a green old age老当益壮;而且表示新鲜,

但是它也表示幼稚、没有经验,如a green hand生手,新手.

B: green hand? 我还纳闷世界上怎么会有绿色的手? 还以为是怪物史莱克的手.原来是新手的意思.

A: 对极了! green hand是新手的意思。对于我们三年级的小朋友,在学习英语上都是green hand,所以上英语课时一定要认真听讲,这样才能成为日后学习英语的大行家。

B: 亲爱的同学们,今天的知识记住了吗?

A: green hand是新手的意思,跟我轻轻念:green hand.

AB: 节目的最后是我们的charming music 魅力音乐。今天将听到的歌曲是...,希望大家喜欢。


A: Ok , so much for today ,See you next time !

B: B: Good-bye!

校园英语刊物投稿范文初中 篇五

My school is very is Nanhai Experimental arethree tall buildings in our all have five the teachingbuilding, the is on the first library is on the science rooms are on the third computer rooms are on thethird floor and the fourth music rooms are on the third floor and thefourth class room is on the fifth am in Class9, Grade are five gardens in our the gardens there are many beautifulflowers, grass and is a big playground in my school.

I like my school, because my school is very beautiful.

校园英语刊物投稿范文初中 篇六


L:Hello,My name is Liu Lingyun. Im from Class 1,Grade4.

P:Hello,Im Pang Siyun. Im from the same class.

L:Are you ready? OK, follow us and enjoy it!


一.Say you, say me

P:下面,让我们进入今天的第一个板块Say you, say me

L:Boys and girls, lets play a game, OK?


L:Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (男孩为什么让他的狗坐在阳光下?)


L:下面,我来公布答案了:He wants to have a hot dog.


P:下面让我们继续吧,Who always goes to bed with his shoes on?


L:Oh ,I see. Its a horse.同学们,你们猜到了吗?

P:最后一题,大家仔细听哦。He is a lucky dog. 其中lucky dog是什么意思?提示大家一下, Lucky是幸运的意思



L:OH,my god!

二、Big Big World

P:接下来是我们的第二个版块Big Big World大大的世界。今天在这个节目中,我们要来介绍下俚语。


P:the Big Apple不是大苹果的意思,而是指纽约城

例:The little girl is from the Big Apple.


L:我也知道个关于颜色的俚语。黄色在英语和汉语中的引申含义差别比较大。在英语中,yellow可以表示胆小、卑怯、卑鄙的意思,例如: a yelloL dog卑鄙的人


三、Charming music



L:当然,the Big Apple指纽约城a yellow dog卑鄙的人

P:上星期我们欣赏了一首歌曲:Tell me why。今天我们把这首歌介绍一下:




L:Boys and girls, is it nice?


L:How time flies! Time to say goodbye now.


L:OK , so much for today , thanks for listening.


PL:See you next week


