
时间:2014-04-03 06:32:40
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初中英语词汇:手的词汇 篇一

The Vocabulary of Hands in Middle School English

In our daily lives, hands play a vital role in our actions and communication. Here are some common English vocabulary words related to hands that every middle school student should know.

1. Finger

Fingers are the five digits on each hand. They are used for grasping, pointing, and touching. Each finger has a unique name: thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger.

2. Palm

The palm is the inner surface of the hand between the wrist and the fingers. It is used for holding, catching, and slapping. We often shake hands by pressing our palms together as a gesture of greeting.

3. Fist

A fist is a closed hand with the fingers curled tightly into the palm. It is often used to express anger, determination, or solidarity. People sometimes bump their fists together as a sign of agreement or support.

4. Knuckle

Knuckles are the joints of the fingers, where they bend. They are used for gripping and punching. When we make a fist, the knuckles become more prominent. Knuckle cracking is a habit that some people have, although it is not recommended.

5. Wrist

The wrist is the joint connecting the hand to the forearm. It allows us to move our hands in various directions. We wear wristwatches on our wrists and use them to measure time.

6. Nails

Nails are the hard, protective coverings on the ends of our fingers. They are made of a protein called keratin. Nails can be cut, filed, and painted. Taking care of our nails is important for personal hygiene.

7. Thumbprint

A thumbprint is the unique pattern of ridges and valleys on the pad of the thumb. It is used for identification purposes, as no two people have the exact same thumbprint. Thumbprints are often used in forensic investigations.

8. Gesture

A gesture is a movement or position of the hand that conveys a message or expresses an emotion. For example, waving goodbye, giving a thumbs-up, or making a peace sign are all gestures. Different cultures have different meanings for certain gestures.

9. Clap

Clapping is the act of striking the palms of the hands together to make a sound. It is a form of applause used to show appreciation or approval. We often clap during performances, speeches, or sporting events.

10. Handshake

A handshake is a customary way of greeting or bidding farewell by clasping and shaking hands with another person. A firm handshake is often seen as a sign of confidence and respect. Handshakes are common in professional and social settings.

By learning and understanding these vocabulary words related to hands, middle school students can improve their English skills and expand their knowledge of the human body. Hands are not only essential for our physical actions but also for our social interactions. So, let's appreciate the power of our hands and use them wisely in our daily lives.

初中英语词汇:手的词汇 篇二

The Significance of Hands in Middle School English Vocabulary

The human hand is a remarkable and versatile tool. It enables us to interact with the world around us and communicate with others. In middle school English, there are numerous vocabulary words related to hands that are important for students to learn and understand.

1. Dexterity

Dexterity refers to the skill and ease with which a person can use their hands. It involves fine motor skills, such as writing, drawing, and playing musical instruments. Developing dexterity is crucial for various activities and professions.

2. Grip

The grip is the way we hold or grasp objects with our hands. It can be strong or weak, depending on the force applied. A good grip is essential for activities like lifting weights, playing sports, or holding tools.

3. Clench

To clench means to close one's hand tightly, often as a sign of anger or frustration. It can also be a reflexive action when we feel threatened or anxious. Clenching one's fists can provide a sense of control or release of tension.

4. Squeeze

Squeezing is the act of applying pressure with the hand to compress or extract something. We squeeze objects such as lemons to extract juice or squeeze stress balls to relieve tension. Squeezing someone's hand can be a sign of comfort or support.

5. Grasp

Grasping involves taking hold of something firmly with the hand. It requires coordination between the fingers and the palm. Developing a strong grasp is important for activities like writing, holding utensils, or playing musical instruments.

6. Sign language

Sign language is a system of communication using gestures, facial expressions, and hand movements. It is used by individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to communicate with others. Learning sign language can open up new opportunities for communication and understanding.

7. Waving

Waving is a gesture made by moving the hand back and forth to greet or bid farewell to someone. It is a friendly and universal way of acknowledging others. Waving can be done with the whole hand or just the fingers.

8. High five

A high five is a celebratory gesture in which two people slap their open palms together above their heads. It is often used to congratulate someone or show excitement. High fives are common among friends, teammates, and supporters.

9. Hand-eye coordination

Hand-eye coordination is the ability to coordinate movements between the hands and the eyes. It is essential for activities like catching a ball, playing video games, or threading a needle. Developing hand-eye coordination improves motor skills and overall coordination.

10. Handwriting

Handwriting is the act of writing using a pen or pencil held in the hand. It is a form of communication and expression. Good handwriting skills are important for academic success and effective communication.

Understanding these vocabulary words related to hands allows middle school students to appreciate the importance and versatility of their hands. Hands are not only functional but also symbolic. They can convey emotions, create art, and connect people. So, let's cherish our hands and make the most of their incredible capabilities.

初中英语词汇:手的词汇 篇三




  I write with my right hand.That makes me right-handed.




  palm:the inner surface of the hand from wrist to the base of the fingers.


  Show me the palm of your hand,and I'll read your future.




  说了手掌我们再来说手背。手背在日常英文里并没有特定的名称,就叫做the back of the hand。但如果要用在专业的医学领域,就要用opisthenar。


  He pointed his finger at her and shouted"I love you!"


  加上一个nail变成finger nail说的'就是指甲。



  She bit the tip of her left thumb,not looking at me.


  竖起大拇指你想起了什么呢?对哒~就是搭便车!在英文里“搭便车”就可以用thumb a lift来表示。

  食指index finger

  index作名词表示“索引”,作动词表示“给…编索引;把…编入索引”。我们可以把index finger理解为那根找东西的指头。想想小朋友读书的样子,眼睛跟着伸出的食指在书上移动,是不是画面感很强呢!

  中指middle finger


  无名指ring finger


  Many people wear their marriage band on their ring finger.


  最后一个,小拇指little finger,中英的表达也是类似的。






  index finger食指

  middle finger中指

  ring finger无名指

  little finger小拇指


