What Colour幼儿英语教案【推荐3篇】

时间:2019-06-06 09:48:31
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What Colour幼儿英语教案 篇一

Title: Exploring Colors through Fun Activities


Colors play a significant role in a child's life as they learn to identify and differentiate between various shades. This lesson plan aims to engage preschoolers in fun and interactive activities that will help them understand and recognize different colors.


To introduce and familiarize preschoolers with colors through hands-on activities.


- Color flashcards

- Construction paper in various colors

- Non-toxic paint in different shades

- Paintbrushes

- White paper plates

- Glue sticks

- Scissors

- Various objects in different colors (e.g., fruits, toys)

Activity 1: Color Flashcards

1. Show the color flashcards to the children one by one, naming each color aloud.

2. Ask the children to repeat the color names after you.

3. Encourage them to identify objects around the classroom that match each color.

Activity 2: Color Collage

1. Provide each child with a piece of construction paper in their favorite color.

2. Give them a variety of colored cutouts from magazines or colored paper.

3. Instruct the children to glue the cutouts onto their construction paper, creating a color collage.

4. Allow them to share their collages with the class, discussing the colors they used.

Activity 3: Color Mixing

1. Set up different stations with paint and paper plates.

2. Choose two primary colors (e.g., red and blue) and demonstrate how they can be mixed to create a secondary color (e.g., purple).

3. Let the children experiment with mixing different colors and observe the changes.

4. Encourage them to create their own artwork using the mixed colors.

Activity 4: Color Hunt

1. Hide various objects around the classroom, each representing a different color.

2. Provide each child with a basket or bag.

3. Instruct the children to find objects of a specific color and collect them in their baskets.

4. Once they have found all the objects, have a group discussion about the colors they found and where they found them.


Through these interactive activities, preschoolers will develop a better understanding of colors and how they can be used to express themselves creatively. By engaging their senses and encouraging exploration, this lesson plan will provide a solid foundation for future learning about colors.

What Colour幼儿英语教案 篇二

Title: Let's Sing and Learn Colors


Music is a powerful tool for engaging young learners and aiding in the acquisition of new skills. This lesson plan aims to introduce and reinforce colors through the use of songs and interactive activities.


To familiarize preschoolers with colors through singing and interactive games.


- Color flashcards

- Whiteboard or flipchart

- Markers

- Musical instruments (optional)

- Colorful props or toys

Activity 1: Color Song

1. Begin the lesson by introducing a catchy color song. Use simple lyrics and a lively melody to engage the children.

2. Display the color flashcards as visual aids while singing the song.

3. Encourage the children to sing along and repeat the color names.

Activity 2: Color Dance

1. Choose a popular children's song that mentions colors (e.g., "I Can Sing a Rainbow").

2. Instruct the children to stand up and dance freely while the music plays.

3. Pause the song at random intervals and announce a color.

4. The children must quickly find an object or prop of that color and hold it up while continuing to dance.

Activity 3: Color Relay Race

1. Divide the class into two or more teams.

2. Set up two cones at a distance for each team, representing the starting and finishing points.

3. Place colored flashcards at the finishing point, one for each team.

4. When the music starts, the first player from each team must run to the finishing point, pick up a flashcard of a specific color, and bring it back to their team.

5. The next player in line repeats the process until all the flashcards are collected.

6. The team that finishes first with all the correct flashcards wins.

Activity 4: Color Show and Tell

1. Ask each child to bring in a favorite object or toy that represents a specific color.

2. Provide each child with an opportunity to show their object to the class, describing the color and why they chose it.

3. Encourage the other children to ask questions about the object and its color.


By incorporating music and movement into the lesson, preschoolers will have an enjoyable and memorable experience while learning about colors. These interactive activities will help them develop a strong foundation for recognizing and identifying different colors in their environment.

What Colour幼儿英语教案 篇三

What Colour幼儿英语教案




  2、能用who are you?并用I’m进行对话交流。




  2、词汇:Yellow Red Orange Blue Green White



  T: Hello, Good morning, boys and girls!

  S: Hello, Good morning, Miss Wu.

  Step2:句型“Who are you? I’m…”操练。

  T: First, Let’s play a game, Ok?

  1)玩捉迷藏游戏引入句型,教师蒙住眼睛,走进幼儿中摸到幼儿问:Who are you?请幼儿回答 I’m… (三次以上)

  2)T: Next, Let’s talk。


  Step3: 学习新单词

  T: Let’s stop! Now well, look, I have red coat. How nice! again.

  Do you like red? What colour? Again.

  1)学习yellow red orange blue green white


  T: well, Now, Let’s play an other game, Ok?



  Step4: 复习单词。

  T: Well, This game with colours.

  Guess what am I holding?

  It’s a Magicbox.


  T: Open the box, It’s a Magicrope.

  Guess first what colour?


  猜对了就欢呼“Yes”,猜错了,就说“No, sorry”。

  T: At last, Now look.




What Colour幼儿英语教案【推荐3篇】

