初中英语《Can you come to my party》教学教案(实用3篇)

时间:2012-03-05 01:18:20
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初中英语《Can you come to my party》教学教案 篇一


1. 学习和掌握表示邀请和回应邀请的句型:Can you come to my party? / Yes, I'd love to. / Sorry, I can't. I have to...

2. 学习并运用相关的词汇和表达方式,如:party, birthday, celebrate, invite, friends, classmates, family members, etc.

3. 培养学生的口语交流能力和团队合作精神。


1. PPT课件

2. 课堂展示物品:派对的照片、贺卡等

3. 活动道具:派对邀请卡


Step 1: 导入新课

1. 向学生展示派对的照片和贺卡,引起学生的兴趣和好奇心。

2. 引导学生回忆以往参加派对的经历,鼓励他们分享自己的故事和感受。

Step 2: 学习目标句型

1. 引导学生听、说、读句型:Can you come to my party? / Yes, I'd love to. / Sorry, I can't. I have to...

2. 利用图片和实物示范对话,帮助学生理解和掌握句型的用法和场景。

3. 练习句型的语音语调和口语表达方式,使学生能够自然地表达出邀请和回应邀请的意思。

Step 3: 语言输入和输出

1. 学生分组进行角色扮演,模拟邀请和回应邀请的对话,鼓励他们在实践中运用句型。

2. 老师进行一对一或一对多的指导,纠正学生的发音和表达错误,鼓励他们大胆尝试使用英语进行交流。

Step 4: 活动设计

1. 发放派对邀请卡,让学生互相邀请参加自己的派对,并使用目标句型进行邀请和回应。

2. 学生在派对邀请卡上填写自己的姓名、时间、地点等信息,并分享给其他同学。

3. 学生进行小组讨论,交流自己的派对计划和期待,鼓励他们使用目标句型与其他组员进行对话。

Step 5: 总结和拓展

1. 教师总结本节课的重点内容和学习收获,鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动并提出问题和建议。

2. 鼓励学生在课后继续使用目标句型进行口语练习,如与家人、朋友或老师进行邀请和回应的对话。

初中英语《Can you come to my party》教学教案 篇二


1. 复习和巩固表示邀请和回应邀请的句型:Can you come to my party? / Yes, I'd love to. / Sorry, I can't. I have to...

2. 进一步扩展学生的词汇和表达方式,如:celebration, special occasion, event, guest, host, etc.

3. 引导学生进行口语交流和写作练习,提高他们的语言表达能力和文化意识。


1. PPT课件

2. 课堂展示物品:派对装饰品、派对音乐等

3. 活动道具:派对邀请卡、派对谢卡


Step 1: 导入复习

1. 向学生展示派对装饰品和派对音乐,引起学生对派对的兴趣和好奇心。

2. 让学生回顾并分享自己在上一节课中使用目标句型邀请和回应的经历和感受。

Step 2: 复习目标句型

1. 提问学生目标句型的用法和场景,鼓励他们回答和互动。

2. 进行口语练习,让学生在小组内进行对话,模拟邀请和回应的情景。

3. 引导学生思考其他可能的回应方式和表达方式,拓展他们的语言能力。

Step 3: 语言输出和拓展

1. 学生使用派对邀请卡邀请老师或其他班级成员参加自己组织的派对,并使用目标句型进行邀请和回应。

2. 学生使用派对谢卡回复其他同学的邀请,并运用目标句型进行回应。

3. 学生在派对谢卡上写下自己参加派对的感受和体会,并与其他同学分享。

Step 4: 活动设计

1. 学生分组进行派对策划和准备,包括主题、装饰、食物、音乐等。

2. 每个小组在课堂上进行派对展示,包括邀请和回应的对话、派对谢卡的写作和分享。

3. 学生进行互动和评价,鼓励他们分享自己的观点和建议,提高团队合作和创造力。

Step 5: 总结和拓展

1. 教师总结本节课的重点内容和学习收获,鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动并提出问题和建议。

2. 引导学生思考和讨论不同国家和文化中庆祝活动和派对的差异,拓展他们的文化意识和跨文化交流能力。


初中英语《Can you come to my party》教学教案 篇三

初中英语《Can you come to my party》教学教案


  Make, accept and decline invitations.


  重点:Make invitation:

  Can you come to my birthday party?

  难点:Accept and decline invitations :

  Sure, I’d love to.

  Sorry, I can’t. I have to study for a test.

  I’m sorry. I’m playing soccer on Saturday.



  教学内容为“Go for it ”新目标英语八年级上册第五单元Section A(1a-1c)。学习内容主要体现在以下3点:

  1. Make invitation.

  2. Accept invitation.

  3. Decline invitation.




  录音机 教学挂图 小便利贴纸


  Revision, Learning, Practice and Reading





  二、 教学过程设计

  Step 1 Warm up (热身).

  师:Morning, class. I have some questions. Can you answer my questions?

  生:Yes, Miss Liu.

  师:What are you doing this weekend?

  生:I’m playing basketball

  生:I’m doing my homework.

  师:Good boy! Do you know what I’m doing this weekend? Please guess.

  生:Are you going home?

  师:I want to go home. But no.

  生:Are you going shopping?


  生:What are you doing this weekend?

  师:I’m going to have a tea party this weekend. Would you like to come?

  生:Yes, I’d love to.



  Step 2 Presentation (呈现)

  1.Ask and answer:师:Can you come to my party?


  Ask some students to answer my questions, maybe they have different answers, write down the main answers on the blackboard.

  ——Yes/Sure/OK, I’d love to/ I’d like to.

  ——Sorry, I can’t. I have a piano lesson.

  ——I’m sorry. I have to go to the doctor.

  ——I’m sorry. I’m playing soccer on Saturday.

  2.Read:师:OK. Now, please open your book turn to page 25. There are invitations from the boy on the picture. I’ll ask four students to read.

  生1: Jenny, can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?

  生2: Sure, I’d love to.

  生3: How about you, Ted? Can you come to my party?

  生4: I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to help my parents.

  Then ask a student to read out the phrases in Part 1a. Then ask students to write the letter of the correct picture in the blank next to each of the phrases.

  【让学生回答出各种不同的答案,归纳出本课的基本句型,通过朗读,让学生更熟悉邀请的流程. 】

  Step 3 Practice (操练)

  First let four students read the example in the speech bubbles to the class.

  A: Can you come to my party on Wednesday?

  B: Sure, I’d love to.

  C: Sorry, I can’t. I have a piano lesson.

  D: I’m sorry, too. I have to go to the doctor.

  Then ask students to practice some invitations and make their own dialogue. Must use the phrases to practice the conversation.


  Step 4 Production (巩固)

  1. Listening:

  Listen to the tape of Part 1b carefully. Ask students to complete the activity inpidually, write the names next to the correct students in the picture.



  Ask students to show their answers on the blackboard’s picture to correct the answers.


  3. Group-work:

  Ask two groups help me to invite some students come to my party. Then tell me how many students will come to my party.

  S1: Miss Liu has a party this weekend. Can you come to the party?

  S2: Sure. I’d love to.

  S3: I’m sorry, I can’t.

  S4: ……


  Step 5 Wrap up (总结)

  This class we’ve learnt how to make, accept and decline invitations. After class, please write the phrases in 1a down in your exercise books and practice the conversation on Page 87.

初中英语《Can you come to my party》教学教案(实用3篇)

