
时间:2011-07-08 07:15:40
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幼儿园动物英语教案 篇一

Title: Animal Names and Sounds for Kindergarten English Lesson


- To introduce young children to different animals and their names in English

- To teach children the sounds that animals make in English

- To develop children's vocabulary and listening skills


- Pictures or flashcards of various animals

- Audio recordings or videos of animal sounds

- Whiteboard or blackboard

- Markers or chalk


1. Warm-up (5 minutes)

- Greet the children and sing a hello song to create a positive and engaging atmosphere.

- Review any previous animal names that the children may have learned.

- Ask the children if they know any animal sounds and encourage them to imitate those sounds.

2. Introduction (10 minutes)

- Show the children pictures or flashcards of different animals one by one.

- Ask the children if they know the names of the animals in English.

- Teach the names of the animals in English, emphasizing the pronunciation of each word.

- Repeat the names of the animals multiple times and have the children repeat after you.

3. Animal Sounds (15 minutes)

- Introduce the concept of animal sounds by asking the children if they know any sounds that animals make.

- Play audio recordings or videos of different animal sounds, such as a dog barking, a cat meowing, a cow mooing, and a bird chirping.

- Have the children listen to each sound and try to guess which animal it belongs to.

- Show the corresponding picture or flashcard of the animal after playing each sound.

- Teach the children the names of the animals' sounds in English, such as "woof woof" for a dog, "meow" for a cat, "moo" for a cow, and "tweet tweet" for a bird.

- Encourage the children to imitate the sounds and have fun with it.

4. Vocabulary Games (15 minutes)

- Divide the children into small groups and give each group a set of animal flashcards.

- Play a game of "Memory" or "Matching" where the children have to find the matching pairs of animals and their names.

- As the children find a match, have them say the name of the animal and its sound in English.

- Repeat the game with different animal flashcards to reinforce vocabulary and listening skills.

5. Wrap-up (5 minutes)

- Review the names of the animals and their sounds by showing the pictures or flashcards again.

- Have the children imitate the sounds of each animal one last time.

- Sing a goodbye song to end the lesson on a positive note.

Extension activities:

- Encourage children to draw their favorite animal and write its name in English.

- Create a class song or chant using the animal names and sounds learned in the lesson.

- Provide children with animal coloring pages to practice coloring and labeling the animals in English.

幼儿园动物英语教案 篇二

Title: Animal Habitats for Kindergarten English Lesson


- To introduce young children to different animal habitats and their names in English

- To teach children the concept of animal habitats and their characteristics

- To develop children's vocabulary and listening skills


- Pictures or flashcards of various animals and their habitats

- Whiteboard or blackboard

- Markers or chalk


1. Warm-up (5 minutes)

- Greet the children and sing a hello song to create a positive and engaging atmosphere.

- Review any previous animal names and sounds that the children have learned.

- Ask the children if they know where different animals live and encourage them to share their ideas.

2. Introduction (10 minutes)

- Show the children pictures or flashcards of different animals and their habitats one by one.

- Ask the children if they know the names of the animals' habitats in English.

- Teach the names of the habitats in English, emphasizing the pronunciation of each word.

- Repeat the names of the habitats multiple times and have the children repeat after you.

3. Animal Habitat Characteristics (15 minutes)

- Introduce the concept of animal habitats by explaining that different animals live in different places depending on their needs.

- Show pictures or flashcards of various habitats, such as the ocean, the forest, the desert, and the jungle.

- Describe the characteristics of each habitat, such as the presence of water in the ocean, the tall trees in the forest, the hot and dry climate in the desert, and the dense vegetation in the jungle.

- Have the children repeat the names of the habitats and their characteristics after you.

4. Matching Activity (15 minutes)

- Divide the children into small groups and give each group a set of animal flashcards and habitat flashcards.

- Instruct the children to match each animal with its corresponding habitat.

- Encourage the children to discuss and explain their choices to each other.

- As the children find a match, have them say the name of the animal and its habitat in English.

- Repeat the activity with different animal and habitat flashcards to reinforce vocabulary and understanding of animal habitats.

5. Habitat Exploration (10 minutes)

- Show the children pictures or videos of different animals in their natural habitats.

- Discuss with the children the characteristics of each habitat and how they support the animals' survival.

- Encourage the children to ask questions and share their observations about the animals and their habitats.

6. Wrap-up (5 minutes)

- Review the names of the habitats and their characteristics by showing the pictures or flashcards again.

- Have the children describe an animal and its habitat using the vocabulary learned in the lesson.

- Sing a goodbye song to end the lesson on a positive note.

Extension activities:

- Take the children on a virtual or real field trip to a local zoo or nature reserve to observe different animals and their habitats.

- Provide children with coloring pages or craft materials to create their own animal habitats.

- Read books or watch videos about animals and their habitats to further expand their knowledge and understanding.

幼儿园动物英语教案 篇三











  句型:What’s this? It’s a … I’m here!

  单词:monkey, fox ,dog ,bird,duck





  Miss Wang : Today, I will take you to The Zoo

  (今天王老师要带小朋友去动物园) Ok?

  The Class : ok!

  Miss Wang : Let’s line up.(小朋友们排好队)

  Let’s go!


  Miss Wang : Wu…..Stop! We reach The Zoo.


  Miss Wang : Look! What’s this?

  引导儿童说:It’s a monkey.

  Miss Wang : Hello,monkey!

  The class: Hello,monkey!

  The monkey: Hello!


  Miss W ang: Look! What’s this?

  引导儿童说:It’s a bird.

  Miss Wang : Hello,bird!

  The class: Hello,bird!

  The monkey: Hello!

  Miss Wang: Do as bird do.(让我们学一学小鸟的样子)

  Miss W ang: Ok,It’s time to say bye-bye to bird.

  Miss W ang: Bye-bye bird.

  The class: Bye-bye bird.

  The bird: Bye-bye.


  Miss Wang: A duck in the river.

  The class: Oh a duck in the rive.

  The duck: 嘎!嘎!嘎!


  Miss wang: what are they? Oh they are foxes!

  The Class : Foxes!


  Keep guiet! Listen carefully!

  Miss wang: Oh, A dog is crying! What’s the matter?

  The class: 小狗的'脚被绳子缠住了。

  Miss wang: let’s help him!


  The dog: Thank you!

  The class: you’re welcom!

  The dog: 汪!汪!汪。


  Miss wang: Do you want to play with the lovely animals?


  I have a stick of magic rod.(我有一根魔术棒)。我要把小朋友们变成小动物和动物园的动物一起玩游戏。

  用魔术棒指向一个小孩说:Magic, magic,magic,Monkey!….

  然后让所有的小动物围成一个圈:老师说:Fox fox Where are you? 戴着狐狸头饰的小朋友就要回答说I am here! 并且跳到圈的中间。其他小动物向四处逃开。狐狸就去抓他们。


  老师慢慢的举起一个月亮。It’s time to go home!

  Miss wang : 天黑了,我们该回家了。让老师把你们变回来。Magic!magic!magic!

  It’s time to say googbye to the animals.

  歌曲:(sing a song) 用歌声和Animals再见.

  Goodbye, everyone. Goodbye, everyone. Goodbye, everyone.

  It’s time to say goodbye.


