幼儿园英文《母亲节》教案 篇一
Title: Celebrating Mother's Day in Kindergarten
Mother's Day is a special occasion to honor and appreciate our moms. In this English lesson plan for kindergarten, we will introduce the concept of Mother's Day, teach students vocabulary related to mothers, and engage them in fun activities to celebrate this special day.
- To introduce the concept of Mother's Day and develop an understanding of its significance.
- To teach students vocabulary related to mothers.
- To engage students in activities that celebrate and show appreciation for their moms.
- Pictures of mothers and family members
- Flashcards with vocabulary words
- Craft materials (colored paper, glue, scissors, markers)
- Worksheet with Mother's Day activities
1. Warm-up (10 minutes):
- Show pictures of mothers and family members and ask students to identify them.
- Discuss the role of mothers in our lives and why they are important.
- Introduce the concept of Mother's Day and explain that it is a special day to show appreciation for our moms.
2. Vocabulary (15 minutes):
- Teach students vocabulary words related to mothers, such as "mother," "mom," "mommy," "love," "care," "hug," "kiss," "cook," "clean," etc.
- Use flashcards to reinforce the vocabulary and encourage students to repeat the words after you.
- Engage students in simple role-play activities where they pretend to be mothers and perform actions related to the vocabulary words.
3. Craft activity (20 minutes):
- Provide students with colored paper, glue, scissors, and markers.
- Instruct students to create Mother's Day cards for their moms.
- Encourage them to decorate the cards with drawings and write simple messages expressing their love and appreciation.
- Assist students as needed and praise their efforts.
4. Song and movement (10 minutes):
- Teach students a simple Mother's Day song, such as "I Love My Mommy" or "Thank You, Mom."
- Sing the song together and encourage students to dance or perform simple actions that accompany the lyrics.
5. Worksheet activity (15 minutes):
- Distribute the Mother's Day worksheet to each student.
- The worksheet can include activities like coloring a picture of their mom, completing simple sentences about their moms, or matching pictures with vocabulary words.
- Monitor students' progress and provide assistance when needed.
6. Conclusion (5 minutes):
- Gather students together and ask them to share what they have learned and created during the lesson.
- Encourage them to express their love and appreciation for their moms.
- Thank the students for their participation and wish them a happy Mother's Day.
Extension activities:
- Invite mothers to visit the kindergarten and share their experiences as moms.
- Organize a mini Mother's Day celebration where students can present their cards and perform the song they learned.
- Create a photo collage of students and their moms to display in the classroom.
Note: The duration of each activity can be adjusted based on the students' attention span and progress.
幼儿园英文《母亲节》教案 篇二
Title: Mother's Day - Learning English through Family Stories
Mother's Day is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our moms and learn English at the same time. In this English lesson plan for kindergarten, we will focus on family stories and use them as a basis for language learning activities. By sharing and discussing their own family stories, students will develop vocabulary, listening, and speaking skills.
- To engage students in sharing and discussing family stories related to their moms.
- To develop vocabulary related to family members and activities.
- To practice listening and speaking skills through storytelling and group activities.
- Pictures of family members
- Flashcards with vocabulary words
- Storybook about mothers or family life
- Craft materials (colored paper, glue, scissors, markers)
1. Warm-up (10 minutes):
- Show pictures of family members and ask students to identify them.
- Introduce the concept of family and explain that we will focus on stories about moms today.
- Encourage students to share something about their moms or a special memory they have with their moms.
2. Vocabulary (10 minutes):
- Teach students vocabulary words related to family members, such as "mother," "mom," "father," "dad," "sister," "brother," etc.
- Use flashcards to reinforce the vocabulary and encourage students to repeat the words after you.
- Engage students in a simple role-play activity where they pretend to be different family members and introduce themselves.
3. Storytelling (15 minutes):
- Read a storybook about mothers or family life to the students.
- Pause at certain points to ask comprehension questions and encourage students to predict what might happen next.
- After finishing the story, discuss the main characters, events, and moral lessons with the students.
4. Craft activity (20 minutes):
- Provide students with colored paper, glue, scissors, and markers.
- Instruct students to create a family tree or a picture of their mom using the craft materials.
- Encourage them to label the family members and write a short sentence about their mom.
- Assist students as needed and praise their efforts.
5. Group activity (15 minutes):
- Divide students into small groups and ask them to share their family stories with their group members.
- Encourage students to listen actively and ask questions or make comments about each other's stories.
- Guide the discussions and provide language support when necessary.
6. Conclusion (5 minutes):
- Gather students together and ask them to share something interesting they learned about their moms or their classmates' moms.
- Recap the vocabulary words and expressions learned during the lesson.
- Thank the students for their participation and wish them a happy Mother's Day.
Extension activities:
- Encourage students to interview their moms or other family members about their favorite memories or activities together.
- Create a class book where students can write and illustrate their family stories.
- Organize a storytelling session where students can read their stories aloud to their classmates and parents.
Note: The duration of each activity can be adjusted based on the students' attention span and progress.
幼儿园英文《母亲节》教案 篇三
活动主题:爱要大声说出来:“Mommy,I love you!”
(1)制作邀请函 。
小宝贝们,妈妈为我们付出了太多太多,她们给了我们生命,给了我们家,给了我们无尽的温暖。大家想一想,等到妈妈老了,需要我们照顾的时候,我们是不是应该用同样的爱去关心照顾她们呀!你们爱自己的妈妈吗?那我们就大声说出来:“我爱你—I love you—”。