Meet my family英语教案 篇一
Title: Meet my family
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to introduce their family members using simple English phrases.
Warm-up (10 minutes):
1. Show pictures of different family members and ask students to identify them in English.
2. Play a game of "Guess Who" where students describe a family member and their classmates have to guess who it is.
Presentation (15 minutes):
1. Introduce key vocabulary related to family members, such as mother, father, brother, sister, grandparents, etc. Use flashcards or pictures to aid understanding.
2. Model a simple introduction using the target language, e.g., "This is my mother. Her name is Lisa."
Practice (20 minutes):
1. Divide the class into pairs or small groups. Give each group a set of flashcards with different family members.
2. In turns, students should take a card and introduce the family member on the card to their partner using the target language. Encourage them to include information like name, age, and personality traits if possible.
3. Monitor the groups and provide support and feedback as needed.
Production (15 minutes):
1. Have students create a family tree poster or drawing. They should include pictures and names of their family members.
2. In pairs or small groups, students should take turns presenting their family tree to their classmates. Encourage them to use the target language learned in the lesson.
Wrap-up (5 minutes):
1. Review key vocabulary and phrases related to family members.
2. Ask a few students to share something interesting they learned about their classmates' families.
Extension activity:
Assign a homework task where students have to interview a family member and gather information about their likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc. They should then present this information to the class in the next lesson.
Meet my family英语教案 篇二
Title: Meet my family
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe their family members' appearances and personalities using adjectives in English.
Warm-up (10 minutes):
1. Show pictures of different people and ask students to describe their appearances and personalities in English.
2. Play a game of "I Spy" where students have to describe a family member and their classmates have to guess who it is based on the description.
Presentation (15 minutes):
1. Introduce adjectives related to appearances and personalities, such as tall, short, kind, funny, etc. Use flashcards or pictures to aid understanding.
2. Model how to describe a family member using the target language, e.g., "My sister has long, curly hair. She is very kind and always makes me laugh."
Practice (20 minutes):
1. Divide the class into pairs or small groups. Give each group a set of flashcards with different adjectives.
2. In turns, students should take a card and describe a family member using the adjective on the card. Encourage them to provide specific examples or anecdotes to support their descriptions.
3. Monitor the groups and provide support and feedback as needed.
Production (15 minutes):
1. Have students create a "Family Portrait" collage using magazines or printed pictures. They should choose images that represent their family members' appearances and personalities.
2. In pairs or small groups, students should take turns presenting their "Family Portrait" collages to their classmates. Encourage them to use the target language learned in the lesson.
Wrap-up (5 minutes):
1. Review key adjectives related to appearances and personalities.
2. Ask a few students to share an interesting description they heard from their classmates' presentations.
Extension activity:
Assign a homework task where students have to write a short paragraph describing a family member's appearance and personality using the adjectives learned in the lesson. They should then share their paragraphs in the next lesson.
Meet my family英语教案 篇三
Meet my family英语教案
重点:词汇:doctor, nurse, driver, farmer, baseball player.
句型:What’s your father? My father is a doctor.
难点:单词发音:baseball player
My father is a doctor.中的“a” 的强调,英语教案-Unit 6 Meet my family!第四课时。
1.做“What’s missing”游戏:教师使用词卡father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, 让学生认读,然后抽出其中一张,让学生再次认读后说出少了哪一张。
是我student 人人夸。
3.Sing a song《Come and see my family》
(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)
1.Talk about the family: How many people are there in your family? Who are they?
2.模仿老师说句子,做连锁游戏:My mother is thin, she likes music. What about your mother/father/brother/sister…?
3.教师指着自己说:I’m a teacher. 再指着一名学生说:He is a student.然后自问自答:What’s he? He is a student. 教师问学生:What’s he? 引导他们说出:He is a student.
4.教师分别拿出画有医生、护士和农民的图片,问学生:What’s he/she?引导他们说出:He/ She is a doctor/nurse/farmer.并教读这三个单词。
5.教师分别拿出画有baseball player和dri
What’s your father? My father is a doctor. He’s tall. He likes sport.
What’s your brother? He’s a baseball player. He’s strong. He likes sports.
What’s your mother? My mother is a nurse. She’s thin. She likes music.
What’s your father? My father is a driver. He’s fat. He likes playing computer games.
What’s your grandpa? He’s a farmer. He likes painting.
7.听录音,跟读课文,小学英语教案《英语教案-Unit 6 Meet my family!第四课时》。
8.看Let’s learn(B)的动画课件,学习单词。
10. 学生给动画配音,用其他职业单词作替换练习。
11.教师引导学生模仿从事各种职业的动作,教师发指令“Act like …”
12. 让学生看Let’s do的动画课件,边看边学说并模仿做动作。
13.两人一组根据操练Let’s do的内容,一人发指令,一人做动作。教师可适当告诉学生一些其他职业的词汇。
(三)趣味操练 (Practice)
1.猜猜看。教师请一个学生上来表演人物,要求表演出人物的职业、外貌特征和兴趣爱好,让其他学生猜:He is a…/ He’s …/He likes…
比赛规则:教师准备好写有英文单词doctor, farmer, nurse, driver, teacher, student, baseball player的单词卡。每个小组依次到教室前面参加比赛。比赛前,小组内的第一名学生坐在椅子上,其他学生面对该名学生蹲在地上。教师站在这名学生的`椅子后面,手拿单词卡放在他的头上。比赛计时3分钟,教师最好指派一名学生帮忙计时。比赛开始,教师出示第一张单词卡,蹲在地上的学生要看着这个单词用动作或语言来表述出此单词的含义。(如用语言表达则不能直接说出单词的中文意思,如果说出,视为犯规。)坐在椅子上的学生要根据组内同学的表述来说出英文单词。猜对计分并换人。第二名学生坐在椅子上,继续猜词。如有学生没猜对单词则不能换人,教师出示下一张单词卡让该学生继续猜,直到猜中单词时才可换人。按此规则小组内的学生轮流坐到椅子上进行猜词,直到计时停止,比赛结束。最后看哪个小组猜对的词最多,得分最多,哪个小组就获胜。
Let’s sing: 《My father is a doctor》
教师播放歌曲,学生学唱。然后用其他词汇替换演唱歌曲,如“My mother is a teacher.”。
Unit 6 Meet my family
本课时主要学习五个表示职业的单词及询问某人的职业及回答的句型。教师通过歌谣、歌曲和游戏来复习与本课时有关的单词, 通过谈论家庭引出家庭成员的职业。然后用teacher和student两个词带出询问职业的句型Whats somebody? 引入新课的形式较好。教师在单词教学中,注意引导学生自己说,而不是简单的灌输,有助于加深孩子对单词的印象。教师把单词带到句子中,让学生运用新词进行交际,提高了学习效率。教师还设计了一些相关的游戏巩固所学,避免了单词学习的枯燥,让孩子在玩中学,在学中玩,提高了孩子的学习兴趣。