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仁爱版七年级上册英语教案 篇一

标题:Unit 1 My New Class 教案


1. 学习并掌握新单词和短语:classroom, desk, chair, computer, teacher, student, boy, girl, book, pen, pencil, ruler, schoolbag, window, door, blackboard, whiteboard, wall, floor, ceiling。

2. 学会用英语介绍和询问物品的位置。

3. 学会用英语介绍自己和他人。


1. 掌握新单词和短语。

2. 学会用英语介绍和询问物品的位置。

3. 学会用英语介绍自己和他人。


1. 学会用英语介绍和询问物品的位置。

2. 学会用英语介绍自己和他人。


1. 教材:仁爱版七年级上册英语教材。

2. 多媒体设备:投影仪、电脑。


Step 1: Warm-up

1. Greet the students and ask them some questions about their summer vacation.

2. Play a game called "Find your partner". Give each student a small piece of paper with a word on it. The students need to find their partner who has the word that matches theirs.

3. Introduce the new unit and the objectives of today's lesson.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Present the new words and phrases using flashcards and gestures. Practice pronunciation with the students.

2. Introduce the phrase "Where is/are...?" and teach the students how to use it to ask about the location of objects.

3. Introduce the phrase "This is/These are..." and teach the students how to use it to introduce objects.

4. Show pictures of different classrooms and ask the students to describe the objects in the pictures using the new phrases.

Step 3: Practice

1. Divide the class into pairs or small groups. Give each group a picture of a classroom and ask them to describe the objects in the picture using the new phrases.

2. Have a class discussion and ask the students to share their descriptions with the whole class.

Step 4: Production

1. Ask the students to draw a map of their classroom and label the objects using the new words and phrases.

2. Give each student a chance to present their map and describe their classroom to the class.

Step 5: Consolidation

1. Review the new words and phrases with the students.

2. Assign homework: Write a short paragraph introducing your classroom.

Step 6: Assessment

1. Give a short quiz to assess the students' understanding of the new words and phrases.

2. Provide feedback and answer any questions the students may have.


通过本节课的教学,学生能够学习并掌握了新单词和短语,如classroom, desk, chair, computer, teacher, student, boy, girl, book, pen, pencil, ruler, schoolbag, window, door, blackboard, whiteboard, wall, floor, ceiling。学生也学会了用英语介绍和询问物品的位置,以及用英语介绍自己和他人。通过多种教学方法和活动,如游戏、图片描述和地图绘制,学生的兴趣和参与度都得到了提高。同时,通过小组合作和全班讨论,学生的口语表达能力也得到了锻炼。整体而言,这节课的教学效果较好,但在课堂组织和时间控制方面还有待改进。

仁爱版七年级上册英语教案 篇二

标题:Unit 2 What's This in English? 教案


1. 学习并掌握新单词和短语:apple, banana, orange, grape, watermelon, strawberry, peach, pear, pineapple, mango, lemon, cherry, plum, blueberry。

2. 学会用英语询问物品的名称。

3. 学会用英语回答关于物品名称的问题。


1. 掌握新单词和短语。

2. 学会用英语询问物品的名称。

3. 学会用英语回答关于物品名称的问题。


1. 学会用英语询问物品的名称。

2. 学会用英语回答关于物品名称的问题。


1. 教材:仁爱版七年级上册英语教材。

2. 多媒体设备:投影仪、电脑。


Step 1: Warm-up

1. Greet the students and review the names of fruits they learned in previous lessons.

2. Play a game called "What's Missing?". Display pictures of different fruits on the board or screen, then cover them and remove one fruit. The students need to guess which fruit is missing.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Present the new words and phrases using flashcards and gestures. Practice pronunciation with the students.

2. Introduce the phrase "What's this in English?" and teach the students how to use it to ask about the names of objects.

3. Introduce the phrase "It's a/an..." and teach the students how to use it to answer questions about the names of objects.

4. Show pictures of different fruits and ask the students to guess their names using the new phrases.

Step 3: Practice

1. Divide the class into pairs or small groups. Give each group a set of flashcards with pictures of fruits. Ask one student to hold up a flashcard and the other student to ask "What's this in English?". The student holding the flashcard needs to answer using the phrase "It's a/an...".

2. Have a class discussion and ask the students to share their answers with the whole class.

Step 4: Production

1. Ask the students to bring their favorite fruit to class. Have each student describe their fruit using the new phrases.

2. Create a "Fruit Museum" in the classroom. Ask each student to place their fruit on a table and write the name of the fruit in English on a card. Invite the students to walk around the "museum" and ask each other about the names of the fruits.

Step 5: Consolidation

1. Review the new words and phrases with the students.

2. Assign homework: Write a short paragraph describing your favorite fruit.

Step 6: Assessment

1. Give a short quiz to assess the students' understanding of the new words and phrases.

2. Provide feedback and answer any questions the students may have.


通过本节课的教学,学生能够学习并掌握了新单词和短语,如apple, banana, orange, grape, watermelon, strawberry, peach, pear, pineapple, mango, lemon, cherry, plum, blueberry。学生也学会了用英语询问物品的名称,以及用英语回答关于物品名称的问题。通过游戏、图片猜字和水果博物馆活动,学生的兴趣和参与度得到了提高。同时,通过小组合作和全班讨论,学生的口语表达能力也得到了锻炼。整体而言,这节课的教学效果较好,但在课堂组织和时间控制方面还有待改进。

仁爱版七年级上册英语教案 篇三

  一 学生情况分析(学生62人,其中男生:36人,女生:26 人)







  二 课时总安排

  总共100课时:授课 课时 复习 课时

  测试 课时 机动 课时


  The goal:

  The goal of Go for it is to make language a step-by-step progression that builds confidence and leads to open-ended activities where students can actively relate learning to their personal lives.

  Go For It! 是以《英语课程标准》为依据,以学生的英语语言综合运用能力为目标。不仅以语言知识、语言技能为重点,而且更注重学生的学习策略、情感态度和文化意识。教学内容的处理和取舍灵活开放, 只要教师从学生的实际水平和语言能力出发,任何教学内容的调整或取舍,任何教学步骤的安排都是可行的。“I sometimes go to the last to do the group work first…It depends on the teachers’ knowledge of the students actual language ability…”(David Nunan);提倡教师结合学生实

际,充分利用学生、教师本身和环境中一切可以利用的资源,丰富教学内容,创造运用英语的机会,注意多渠道开发教学资源。 “Don’t use just the textbook. Anything in real life that connect and appropriate to the lesson can be used as teaching resources.”(David Nunan);提倡任务型语言教学,教学进度整体把握,教学形式不拘一格;课堂以学生为主体,以任务为主线,重视体验参与,课后访谈调查,读写扎记,重视语言运用;正视个体差异,倡导过程激励,以多层次、多角度、多主体的结果与过程并重的评价方式激励进步。

  The key points of each unit:

  Topic Functions Structures

  U 1 Making new friends Introduce yourself

  Greet people

  Ask for and give telephone numbers Present tense to be

  What questions

  Prossessive adjectives:my,your,his,her

  U2 Things in the classroom

  Identify ownerships Demonstratives:this,that

  What questions and Yes/No questions

  How do you spell pen?

  U3 The family Introduce people

  Identify people Demonstratives:these,those

  Subject pronouns:I,he,she

  Yes/No questions

  Plural nouns

  U4 Things around the house Talk about where things are Where questions and Yes/No questions

  Prepositions: on,in,under

  Subject pronouns: they

  U5 Spending time with friends Ask and answer questions about ownership

  Make suggestions Present tense to have

  Yes/No questions and short answers: let’s

  Adjectives of quality


  Food Talk about likes and dislikes Present tense to like

  Yes/No questions and short answers

  Affirmative and negative statements


  Shopping Ask about prices

  Talk about clothing

  Thank someone Demonstratives:this,that,these,those

  How much questions


  Dates Talk about dates When questions

  Prossessive “s”

  How old are you?


  Movies Talk about preferences

  Make plans Present tense to want

  Yes/No questions and short answers:

  Adjectives of quality

  U10 Joining a club Talk about abilities Modal verb can

  Yes/No questions and short answers:

  Affirmative and negative statements

  What questions

  U11 Daily routines Talk about daily routines

  Ask about and say times When questions

  What time is it?

  Adverbs of frequency

  U 12 School subjects Talk about preferences

  Give reasons What questions

  Why questions

  Who questions

  Adjectives of quality

  四、 教材分析



  A. 图文并茂。一幅副充满情趣,幽默生动的画面,令你眼睛一亮。它不仅版面设计充满新意,而且在内容和结构方面更富有创意 更具时代感,更有现代气息,更加贴近学生的生活。学生一拿到课本后都爱不释手,迫不及待地翻阅。

  B. 实用性强。每个单元的选材都来源于学生的学习和生活。紧紧地与学生的年龄特征、认知结构、生活经验联系在一起。如第一册的十四个话题:认识新朋友、教室里的物品、家庭成员、食品、购物、电影、参加社团、生活习惯、学习科目、国家与语言。第二册的十二个话题:邻居、动物、足球、职业、周末活动、音乐、人物性格与外貌、天气、节日、度假与休闲、流行文化、规章制度与日常生活。由于这些都是学生熟悉的话题,生活中经常碰到的事情,所以学生容易接受,学习热情自然也高。使教学活动由“要我学”转变为“我要学”。

  C.注重交际。针对中国学生学英语普遍存在的“聋哑病”,教材设计了大量的听说读写材料。每个单元都有语言活动,且内容不同,形式多样,学生对这些活动充满兴趣,所以大家都能情绪高昂地参加pair work, group work, games等活动。学生们充满了自信,开心地练习说英语,教室里常常充满了欢歌笑语。同学们都喜欢上英语课,他们能为学以致用而感到兴奋,同时也体验到了学习语言的快乐。

  D.词汇量大。第一册有词汇700个左右,第二册约450个,第三册约450个,第四册约400个, 第五册约500个,合计2500个。这一点正好达到《英语课程标准》5级的要求。大大丰富了学生的词汇量,让学生能更好地表达自己的所思所想。同时也要求学生必须采取有效的记忆单词的方法,就会事半功倍,否则难以适应教材的要求。这时学生特别需要教师的指导 .。


  a.言语、情境真实性原则 (The authenticity principle)


  b.形式-功能性原则 (The form-function principle)


  c.阶梯型任务原则 (The task dependency principle)


  d. 在做中学原则 (Learning by doing)









  Week 1 Starter Unit 1 5课时

  Week 2 Starter Unit 2& Starter Unit 3 5课时

  Week 3 Unit 1 6课时

  Week 4 Unit 2 6课时

  Week 5 Unit 3 6课时

  Week 6 Revision 6课时

  Week 7 Unit4 6课时

  Week8 Unit 5 6课时

  Week 9 Unit 6 6课时

  Week 10 Revision 6课时

  Week 11 Middle examination 6课时

  Week 12 Unit 7 6课时

  Week 13 Unit 8 6课时

  Week 14 Unit 9 6课时

  Week 15 Unit 10 6课时

  Week 16 Unit 11 6课时

  Week 17 Unit 12 6课时

  Week 18 Revision 6课时

  Week 19 Revision 6课时

  Week 20 Final examination

仁爱版七年级上册英语教案 篇四

  Unit 1 Topic 3 How old are you ?

  Section D












  1、预习课本P23 Part 1 ,复习书上的六个音标

  2、预习课本P23 Part 2 ,分别找出Jane 和 Huang Hua 的个人信息

  3、预习P23 Part 3 ,根据所给信息把空补充完整

  4、背诵课本P24 Part 4a 4b

  (三)问题导学 再看课本P22 Part 2 ,回答问题。

  Where is Jane from ?__________________________

  How old is she ?___________________________

  What class is she in ? _____________________

  Where is Huang Hua from ? _______________

  What’s his English name ? _____________________

  Are they in the same class ? ______________



  1、They are not in the same class ,but they good friends.


  解析:same 意思是“相同的”,前面一定要用定冠词“the”,后面接单数名词。

  but 意为“但是,可是”,起转折作用。

  eg : We are in the same school ,but in different classes . 我们在同一个学校,但是在不同的班级。



  1、---How old ________ you ?

  2、----I ________ ten .

  3、---What _____ this ? -

  4、---It _________ a pen .

  5、----Who ________ that ?

  ----She _________ Lucy .

  6、---What _________ these ?

  ----They ________ schoolbags .

  7、---__________ this a pen ?

  ----Yes , it _________ .


  1.What’s that _______ Chinese ?

  A、 on B、 in C、 with

  2.Is he ____________ English boy ?

  A、 a B、 an C、 the

  3、These are my _____________.

  A、 book B、 pens C、a friend

  4、---Is this your eraser ? ----Yes ,____________.

  A、it is B、this is C、 it’s

  5、 They are not ________ the same class ,but they

  are good friends .

  A、in B、 on C、from


  (一) 根据句意和首字母提示填空

  1.They are in the s________ class .

  2、--How o________ is she ? ---She is 15.

  3.Li Ming and Wang Fei are good f___________.

  4、I’m in a h_________ school .

  5、Is your p__________ number 3264-7853 ?

  (二) 选择填空

  1、______ is Zhou Lan ._________ phone number is 1358429764.

  A、Her , her B、She , her C、She , She

  2、What grade ______ your brother in ?

  A、is B、 am C、are

  3、---Is that a car ? ---No ,____________

  A、that isn’t B、that is C、 it isn’t

  4、Nine and eleven is __________.

  A、thirteen B、fifteen C、twenty

  5、_________ are good friends .

  A、you ,he and I B、I ,you and he C、you and he ,I This is an English boy(男孩). His name is Jim. He is twelve. He is in my school. He and I are in the same grade. I’m in Class Three, Grade Seven, but he is in Class Four. I’m his good friend. He is my good friend, too. 根据短文内容, 补全对话。

  A: Excuse me, what’s his name?

  B: His name is Jim.

  A: 6. ______________________________

  B: Yes. J-I-M, Jim.

  A: Where is he from?

  B: 7. ______________________________

  A: How old is he?

  B: 8. ______________________________

  A: Is he in your school?

  B: 9. ______________________________

  A: Is he in Class Three, Grade Seven?

  B: 10. ______________________________

  He is in Class Four, but he and I are good friends.

  A: Thank you.

  汉译英:1.布朗是他的姓氏。 Brown is his ____ ____.


  Is that ____ ____.


  They are ____ ____.


  Let ____ ____ you.

  15.给你。 ____ ____ are.

  (五) 作业:请写一份自我介绍,内容包括姓名、年龄、国籍、班级、学校、电话号码。

仁爱版七年级上册英语教案 篇五


  在本节课结束时,学生将能够了解教室环境中物品的名称并在口语中正确使用My name is… Nice to meet you.等句型简单介绍自己,了解他人的姓名信息,进一步了解新同学;学生将能够了解单元任务的具体要求,并完成自己和小组内成员的姓名部分。


  1. 学生将能够准确读出教室日常用品的名称并根据图片提示正确拼写。

  2. 学生将能够在口语中使用Good morning,hello, hi,nice to meet you 向他人打招呼,正确使用句型My name is Gina. What’s your name? 简单介绍自己的姓名并询问同学的姓名.

  3. 学生将能够初步了解形容词性物主代词my your, his, her的用法。

  4. 学生将能够制作班级同学中英文名字记录表中的一部分。


  采用自主学习、小组合作探究学习策略,利用教学图片、幻灯片等来展开课堂教学、 Pair work 问答式的口语交际活动,进行 “打招呼和简单自我介绍” 的课堂教学和练习。本单元的教学法建议:词汇教学——采取情景介绍或演示对比的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用;口语教学——采取 pair work 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏等小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取图文配对和对话选择的方式。




  1. 能够介绍自己的姓名:My name is …I’m…

  2. 能够简单问候初识的朋友:Hello!/Hi! Good morning! Nice to meet you!

  3. 能够正确使用形容词性物主代词my your, his, her


  词汇教学——采取情景介绍或演示对比的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用;口语教学——采取 pair work 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏等小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取图文配对和role-play的方式;


