where is my car教学设计(最新3篇)

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where is my car教学设计 篇一


标题:寓教于乐:通过“where is my car”游戏学习方位词

导语:学习方位词是儿童英语中的基础内容之一。为了激发学生学习的兴趣,本文将介绍一种寓教于乐的教学设计,通过“where is my car”游戏帮助学生巩固和运用方位词。



1. 学会并掌握基本的方位词,如left, right, up, down, behind, in front of等;

2. 能够在实际场景中运用方位词描述物体位置;

3. 培养学生合作与沟通能力。


1. 一张简易的地图或平面图,上面有几辆车的图标;

2. 一辆小玩具车。


1. 引入新知识:通过展示地图或平面图,引导学生认识不同方位词的含义和用法。例如,指着地图上的一辆车,问学生:“Where is the car? Is it on the left or on the right?”等。

2. 游戏规则介绍:解释游戏规则,学生需要根据老师的指令,用方位词来描述玩具车在地图上的位置。例如,老师说:“The car is in front of the house”,学生要将小玩具车放在地图上房子的前面。

3. 游戏实践:将学生分成小组,每组轮流描述和移动小玩具车的位置。老师可以口头或书面给出指令,学生根据指令移动小玩具车,并使用正确的方位词描述。

4. 游戏扩展:让学生自己创造指令,进行游戏。例如,学生可以说:“Put the car behind the tree”或“Move the car to the left of the school”等,其他学生根据指令进行操作。


1. 练习:布置练习作业,要求学生用方位词描述自己房间或教室里物体的位置。

2. 扩展:通过实地游戏,带领学生到校园或周边环境中,进行方位词的实际运用。

总结:通过“where is my car”游戏的教学设计,学生在愉快的氛围中学习并掌握了方位词的基本用法。同时,游戏中的合作与沟通也培养了学生的团队精神和语言表达能力。

where is my car教学设计 篇二


标题:走进方位世界:通过“where is my car”游戏拓展方位词的应用

导语:方位词是英语中重要的语法内容之一。为了帮助学生更深入地理解和运用方位词,本文将介绍一种拓展方位词应用的教学设计,通过“where is my car”游戏引导学生在不同场景中运用方位词。



1. 复习和巩固基本的方位词知识;

2. 能够在不同场景中灵活运用方位词,描述物体位置;

3. 培养学生观察和思考能力。


1. 一张地图或平面图,上面有不同场景的图标,如学校、公园、超市等;

2. 一辆小玩具车。


1. 复习基本方位词:通过复习游戏或问答形式,巩固学生对基本方位词的理解和运用。

2. 游戏规则介绍:解释游戏规则,学生需要根据老师的指令,用方位词来描述玩具车在地图上不同场景的位置。例如,老师说:“The car is in front of the school”,学生要将小玩具车放在地图上学校的前面。

3. 游戏实践:将学生分成小组,每组轮流描述和移动小玩具车在不同场景上的位置。老师可以口头或书面给出指令,学生根据指令移动小玩具车,并使用正确的方位词描述。

4. 游戏扩展:让学生自己创造指令,进行游戏。例如,学生可以说:“Put the car between the supermarket and the park”或“Move the car to the right of the library”等,其他学生根据指令进行操作。


1. 制定地图任务:让学生自己制定任务地图,选择不同的场景和指令,进行游戏。学生可以在地图上写出指令,让其他同学根据指令移动小玩具车。

2. 创作方位词故事:要求学生编写一个关于方位词的故事,故事中要运用到不同的方位词来描述物体的位置。

总结:通过“where is my car”游戏的教学设计,学生在实际场景中灵活运用方位词,拓展了方位词的应用范围。同时,游戏中的观察和思考能力的培养也提升了学生的综合能力。

where is my car教学设计 篇三

  导语:三年级英语下册第三单元以“Where is my car?”这一话题为纲。以下是小编带来的教学设计,希望对您有所帮助。



  1. 能够全面参与本课时主要单词:in,on ,under,behind并能达到听、说、认读。能理解单词hide and seek的含义。

  2.能听懂、会说句型Let’s play hide and seek….



  2. 根据故事的情景进行角色表演;

  3. 能在语境中初步运用主句型来交流信息。





  1. 理解故事意义,并能用正确的语音语调朗读故事;

  2. 能灵活运用主句型来交流信息。










  Step1. Warm –up

  课前热身,观看Hide and seek 动画片

  T:Hello, boys and girls. Do you like watching cartoons?

  S:Yes or no?

  T:So, before our class, Let’s watch a cartoon. It’s about Peppa pig and her little brother. They are playing a game. After watching the cartoon you should tell me the name of the cartoon.

  (设计意图:观看动画片粉红猪小妹,将学生带入到英语学习的氛围中来,给他们在课前就创造一个轻松愉快的学习氛围。而且,此动画的主题正好是Hide and seek. 此话题和本节课教授内容主题紧扣。而且此游戏也是学生喜欢玩的游戏,都不陌生。让学生在观看动画的过程中,感受Hide and seek的意思。)

  Step2. Pre-reading

  1. 承上,引出Hide and seek 并教授。

  T: Wow! An interesting story! Just now you watched the cartoon. Can you tell me the name of the cartoon? Who can tell me?

  T:Yes, hide and seek. Do you know the meaning of hide and seek? You can speak in Chinese. Ss: 捉迷藏。

  T:Wow! Great! You got it.


  2. 教读生词: hide seek hide and seek的连读

  ① How to read this word? Hide hide hide Follow me please. /h/-/ai/-/d/ hide (手指数音节读)

  ② How to read this word? seek seek seek Follow me please. /s/-/i:/-/k/ seek (手指数音节读)


  ③ Hide and seek 的连读。

  How to read together? We should read just like this: Hide and seek! Please read just like this!

  Wow! You read so well! Give me a five!


  Step3. In-reading

  1.Hide and seek is an interesting game. Do you like this game?

  As we all known that every game has its own rules. So ,can you say some rules about hide and seek? You can speak in Chinese! Wow! You know so much! I sum i

t up into three steps:

  Step1: You must find out one person to be the one to seek for others.

  Step2:Other people must find a good place to hide themselves well.

  Step3: If the seeker find the people,he will be the winner. And if he can’t find, he will lose the game. And they will change.

  2.Our friends Zip and Zoom are playing hide and seek,too. Look!


  3.1) Step1:Preparation

  (1). 快速浏览课文,找出游戏中,谁在藏,谁在找? (2).Zip and Zoom are playing hide and seek. What does Zip say when she invites Zoom to play this game? Listen carefully. What does Zip say? Oh! You got it! Great! Can you try to read the sentences? What tone should we read? Like this or like this? (设计意图:英语是一门语言,而且是一门外语,如果没有听力的输入,我们是没法输出地道的口语的,也就无从交际了。所以,给学生问题后,让学生带着问题去听,找到答案。记得一位专家说过:学习英语的首要就是:让学生先闭口听,再开口说。)

  Step2:Hide (1)T: And in this step, it’s time to hide. What does Zoom say when Zip is hiding? Please open your books and read the story and try to find our the answer. T: Have you got the answer? (呈现答案 教读:ready.) ready ready Are you ready? (找学生读) T: How to read this one(Yes)? What tone should we read? Why?(为什么这个yes要读出这种音调?)


  T: let’s listen carefully! T: Can you try to imitate?


  Step3:seek T: In this step, Zoom will seek for Zip. Where does Zoom seek? What does he say?

  教读讲解:behind. What’s the meaning? Look! The frog is …the box.

  Step4. Post-reading 1. Let’s enjoy the story. 2. Let’s listen and imitate. Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

  3. Well, boys and girls, do you know how to read a story? When we read a story, we should pay attention to the five points.


  4. Please read by yourself Pay attention to the voice, intonation, speed,strong and weakforms, and the liaison. You should read it correctly,fluently and affectionately.

  5. Please read the story in pairs. Then we’ll act it out. Please read in pairs and pay attention to the intonation and read it affectionately. Three minutes later, I will ask you to perform it.

  6. Let’s play. Well,boys and girls. Is this game interesting? Do you want to play this game? Look! The four words are very naughty, they want to play game with you. Can you challenge yourself? Now, I will give you a modal.

  7. Sum up: What you have learnt in this class? Happy time flies. Can you tell me what have you learnt today? Chinese may me OK! 8.Homework.

  ⑴Tell this story to your friends.

  ⑵Choose a story that you like and make a small English book.

where is my car教学设计(最新3篇)

