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小学英语教案英文版 篇一

Title: Fun with Animals

Objective: To introduce and practice vocabulary related to animals

Level: Grade 1

Time: 45 minutes

Materials: Flashcards with pictures of different animals, a whiteboard, markers

Warm-up (5 minutes):

- Play a short video or show pictures of different animals and ask the students to name them.

- Write the names of the animals on the whiteboard as the students say them.

Introduction (10 minutes):

- Show the flashcards with pictures of different animals to the students.

- Say the name of each animal and have the students repeat after you.

- Hold up each flashcard and ask the students simple questions about the animals, such as "Can a dog fly?" or "What sound does a cat make?"

Vocabulary Practice (15 minutes):

- Divide the class into pairs and give each pair a set of animal flashcards.

- Instruct the students to take turns showing a flashcard to their partner and saying the name of the animal.

- The partner should then make a sentence using the animal, such as "A cat can climb trees" or "A dog can bark."

- Monitor the students and provide assistance as needed.

Game (10 minutes):

- Play a game of "Animal Charades" to practice the vocabulary.

- Choose one student to come to the front of the class and act out the animal on a flashcard without speaking.

- The rest of the class should guess the animal based on the student's actions.

- Give each student a chance to act out an animal.

Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review the vocabulary by showing the flashcards again and having the students say the name of each animal.

- Ask the students to share one interesting fact about their favorite animal.


- Assign a worksheet with matching exercises to reinforce the vocabulary.

小学英语教案英文版 篇二

Title: Let's Go Shopping!

Objective: To teach and practice vocabulary related to shopping

Level: Grade 3

Time: 60 minutes

Materials: Flashcards with pictures of different items, play money, a whiteboard, markers, shopping lists

Warm-up (5 minutes):

- Show the flashcards with pictures of different items to the students.

- Ask the students to name the items and write their names on the whiteboard.

Introduction (10 minutes):

- Introduce the concept of shopping by asking the students if they have ever been to a store.

- Explain that when we go shopping, we can buy things that we need or want.

- Show the flashcards of different items and ask the students if they have ever bought or seen these items before.

Vocabulary Practice (15 minutes):

- Divide the class into pairs and give each pair a set of flashcards with pictures of different items.

- Instruct the students to take turns showing a flashcard to their partner and saying the name of the item.

- The partner should then make a sentence using the item, such as "I need to buy a pencil" or "I want to buy a toy."

Role Play (20 minutes):

- Divide the class into groups of three: a shopkeeper, a customer, and an observer.

- Give each group a shopping list with items they need to buy.

- The shopkeeper should set up a small store using the flashcards as products and play money as currency.

- The customer should go to the shopkeeper and ask for the items on their shopping list, using appropriate phrases such as "How much is the pencil?" or "Do you have any toys?"

- The observer should watch the role play and provide feedback on the students' language use.

Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review the vocabulary by showing the flashcards again and having the students say the name of each item.

- Ask the students to share one item they would like to buy from the store.


- Assign a writing task where the students need to write a shopping list for their next trip to the store.

小学英语教案英文版 篇三




  In a Fast-food Restaurant

  Waiter: Hello, can I help you?

  Mum: Yes. What would you like, Dick?

  Dick: I’d like a hamburger.

  Mum: Me, too.

  Waiter: Would you like something to drink?

  Mum: Oh, yes. Two glasses of orange juice, please.

  Dick: Mum, can I have an ice-cream?

  Mum: Sure. Two hamburgers, two glasses of orange juice and an


  Waiter: OK. Here you are. 38 yuan, please.

  Mum: Here the money.

  Waiter: Thanks.

  生词:fast-food / resaurant / hamburger

  句型:What would you like?

  Would you like something to eat/ drink?


  1. 能听、读、说fist-food/restaurant/hamburger,并了解其含义;


  (1) What would you like?

  (2)Would you like something to eat/drink?






  (1)What would you like?

  (2)I’d like ...

  (3)Would you like something to eat/drink?




  食物图片:ice-cream, hamburger, cake, bread, juice, milk, water,

  hot-dog, Frenh fries等。


  道具:服务员工作帽、围裙、托盘。 多媒体课件一套。


  Step 1.Warm-up activities

  (1)Do it! (学生按教师的指令做动作)

  T:Stand up!/Sit down!/Sit down!/Stand up! (教师辅以手势)

  T:Walk!/Stop!/Jump 5 times!/Stop!/Push!/Stop!/Run!/Stop!


  (2)Do as 1 do?(教师做动作并表达,引导学生边做边说:“Me,t00.”)

  教师做睡觉状,并用低缓语调说:“I’m tired.”引导学生说:“Me,t00.”

  教师做笑脸状,并用欢快语调说:“I’m happy.”引导学生说:“Me,t00.”

  教师做干渴状,并说:“I’m thirsty.”引导学生说:“Me,.too.”

  教师手摸肚子,并说:“I’m hungry. ”引导学生说:“Me,.too.”

  (3)Listen and act!(学生按教师的指令做动作。)

  教师说:“Let’s eat!"(做吃东西状),学生跟着做动作。

  指令依次为:Eat slowly!/Eat fast!/Let’s drink!/Drink slowly!/Drink / fast! /Eat fast! (通过此活动,操练对话中的有关单词,例如:eat,drink,fast。)

  Step 2.Revision and presentation

  (1)教师问:“What do you like to eat?”让学生根据自己的喜好,用已学句型“I like…”回答。

  (2)教师出示卡片hamburger,并问:“Do you like a hamburger?”



  (5)做游戏:“What’s missing?'’(教师从卡片中任意抽掉一张,再让学生看卡片读单词,然后让学生说出拿掉的是哪一张卡片。)

  Step 3. Pattem drills and dialogue teaching

  (1)选取单词卡片4—5张,同时出示给学生,并提问:“What would you like?'’引导学生回答:“I’d like…”教师把该卡片送给说出正确答案的学生。

  (2)教师把手中卡片送完后摊开双手说:“No food lefi! But

  don’t worry,let’s go to the restaurant.You can choose whatever you like.”

  (3)屏幕上出现单词RESTAURANT及三幅食物图片:noodles,fish,rice。教师提问:“What would you like?'’让学生用“I’d like ...”回答。当学生选中一种食物时,教师点击该图,出现该食物的价格。教师对该生做手势并说:“20/30 yuan,please.'’引导学生说:“Here’s the money.”当屏幕上显示的是免费食物时,教师则带领全班学生对该学生说:“Conigatulations!”

  (noodles—20 yuan;fish—free;rice—10 yuan)

  (4)屏幕上出现单词BAR和三幅图片:wine,coffee,juice (wine—600 yuxm,coffee—30 yuan,juice—free),教师请一学生提问并操作(练习方式同上)。


  “I’d like juice very much.I even drink juice on my birtllday.”屏幕上出现Happy Birthday to you! 和一只蛋糕。教师说:“Suppose today was your birthday,what would you like?'’引导学生用“I’d like…”句型表达自己的愿望。

  (6)屏幕上出现一叠叠钱的画面。教师问:“If you had lots of money,what would you like?'’让学生继续用“I’d like...”句型回答。教师引导学生说:“A car? A computer?”等,拓展学生的思维。

  (7)教师说:“If I had lots of money,I’d like to open a big fast-food restaurant.”自然引出对话主题。教师出示快餐店图片,并介绍说:“Look,this is a fast-food restaurant.A big nice fast-food restaurant! We sense hot-dogs,hamburger,salad,French fries…” (出示食物图片)

  (8)让学生模仿跟读单词fast-food restaurant,并选1、2组学生朗读,教师板书该词。

  (9)教师系上围裙,拿起装有食物(cake,hamburger,bread,juice,milk,water,ice-cream)的托盘,扮演服务员,并说:“Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat? What would you like?'’让学生回答,回答正确的学生可以得到该食物。

  (10)当食物分完后,教师解下围裙,做出疲倦状,并说:“Oh,I’m tired and hungry.”引导学生说:“Would you like something to eat? What would you like?”教师收回学生所选的食物后说:“I’m full.I’m not hungry.But I’m thirsty now.”教师继续引导学生说:“Would you like something to drink? What would you like?”

  (11)教师说:“I’m not hungry and thirsty now.Thank you,boys and girls.

  You’ve done a very good job today.”

  Step 4. Communicative practice

  (1)屏幕上出现招聘服务员的海报,教师扮成快餐店经理,并说:“Our fast-food restaurant needs a waiter or a waitress.Who’d like to have a try?'’

  (2)邀请几位学生上来,给他们戴上服务员的帽子,并让他们站成一排;然后,教师(扮演经理)对“应聘者”发指令:“Line up!Turn left!Turn right!Smile and say:Welcome! Can I help you? What would you like? Would you like something to


  (3)教师对全班学生说:“Who’s the best one?Please discuss in pairs.”引导学生两人一组讨论,以确定最后被“录用者”。



  (6)教师说:“Now 1et’s open our fast-food restaurant.”教师出示有关食物,引导所选的“服务员”与全班同学进行以下对话:

  W:Can I help you?


  W:What would you like?

  Ss:I’d like a hamburger.

  W:Would you like something to drink?

  Ss:Two glasses of orange juice.

  W:OK.Here you are.48 yuan, please.

  Ss:Here’s the money.


  Step 5.Dialogue practice



