
时间:2011-05-01 09:38:26
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小学优秀英语教案全英 篇一

Title: Engaging Activities to Teach English Vocabulary to Primary School Students


Teaching English vocabulary to primary school students can be a challenging task. However, with the right teaching strategies and engaging activities, it can become a fun and interactive learning experience. This lesson plan aims to provide teachers with a variety of activities that can help students learn and remember new English words.

Lesson Objective:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand and use new English vocabulary words.


- Flashcards with pictures of various objects

- Whiteboard and markers

- Worksheets with vocabulary exercises


1. Warm-up (5 minutes):

- Greet the students and have a short conversation about their day.

- Play a quick vocabulary game, such as "I Spy," where students have to guess the object you are describing.

2. Presentation (10 minutes):

- Introduce the new vocabulary words using flashcards. Show each flashcard to the class and say the word aloud. Encourage students to repeat after you.

- Write the words on the whiteboard and explain their meanings using simple and clear language.

3. Practice (20 minutes):

- Divide the class into pairs or small groups.

- Give each group a set of flashcards and instruct them to match the pictures with the corresponding words.

- Walk around the classroom, monitoring the students' progress and providing assistance when needed.

4. Consolidation (15 minutes):

- Distribute worksheets with vocabulary exercises to each student.

- Instruct them to complete the exercises independently or in pairs.

- Review the answers as a class, providing explanations and examples if necessary.

5. Production (10 minutes):

- Divide the class into two teams and play a vocabulary game, such as "Taboo" or "Charades." One student from each team has to describe or act out a word without using the actual word, while their teammates have to guess it.

- Award points to each team based on their performance.

6. Conclusion (5 minutes):

- Recap the new vocabulary words and ask students to use them in sentences.

- Provide positive feedback and praise for their efforts.

Extension Activity:

- Assign students to create their own flashcards and vocabulary exercises for homework. They can then share their creations with the class in the next lesson.


- Observe students' participation and understanding during the activities.

- Evaluate their completion of the vocabulary exercises.

By using these engaging activities, teachers can make English vocabulary lessons more enjoyable and effective for primary school students.

小学优秀英语教案全英 篇二

Title: Interactive Storytelling for Primary School English Lessons


Storytelling plays a crucial role in language acquisition for young learners. It helps develop their listening, speaking, and comprehension skills. This lesson plan focuses on using interactive storytelling techniques to engage primary school students in learning English.

Lesson Objective:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand and retell a story in English.


- A picture book with a simple and engaging story

- Puppets or props related to the story

- Whiteboard and markers


1. Warm-up (5 minutes):

- Greet the students and ask them about their favorite story or book.

- Introduce the picture book and show them the cover. Ask them to predict what the story might be about.

2. Pre-reading (10 minutes):

- Show the students the pictures from the book and elicit vocabulary words related to the story.

- Write the words on the whiteboard and explain their meanings using gestures, facial expressions, and simple English sentences.

3. Interactive Reading (15 minutes):

- Read the story aloud, using expressive voice and gestures.

- Encourage students to participate by asking them questions about the story, such as "What do you think will happen next?" or "Why do you think the character did that?"

- Use puppets or props to bring the story to life and engage the students' imagination.

4. Comprehension Activities (15 minutes):

- Divide the class into pairs or small groups.

- Give each group a set of comprehension questions related to the story.

- Instruct them to discuss and answer the questions together.

- Walk around the classroom, monitoring the students' discussions and providing assistance when needed.

5. Story Retelling (15 minutes):

- Ask students to retell the story in their own words, either individually or in pairs.

- Provide guidance and support if they struggle with vocabulary or sentence structure.

- Encourage creativity and imagination in their retelling.

6. Conclusion (5 minutes):

- Recap the main events of the story as a class.

- Ask students to share their favorite part of the story and explain why they liked it.

Extension Activity:

- Assign students to create their own ending to the story as a creative writing task. They can then share their endings with the class in the next lesson.


- Observe students' participation and engagement during the interactive reading and comprehension activities.

- Evaluate their ability to retell the story accurately and coherently.

By incorporating interactive storytelling techniques into English lessons, teachers can create a dynamic and immersive learning experience for primary school students.

小学优秀英语教案全英 篇三



  Teaching Plan

  ----外*** ***

  Teacher: *****

  Content: Lesson 14 Unit7 colors (2)

  ①The text of lesson 14 is talk about colors.

  ②Understand and speak out the nine new words: blue, pink, black, white, have, pet, it, rabbit.

  ③Study the new sentences: “what color is it?” “I have a …” “It’s…” (The answer is color) ①Master the new words.

  ②Make sentences with the new words.

  ③Let the students to the color of interrelated inquiries and responses have a clear understanding.

  ④Develop students’ imaginations. ①Speak out the new words and make sentences in right tone.

  ②Stress the “a” is important to the sentence “I have a….” Many students often miss it. Cards, tape, some stars (To encourage students)

  Step 1: arming up

  ①Introduce myself then to greet.

  ②Let all students stand up and chant a poem with action. (The poem is “Stop Wait Go”, This is the content of last class).

  Step2: Reviewing and leading in

  ①Show four cards of “red, yellow, green, orange” on the blackboard then let students read it.

  ②Teacher wants to play a game called “Where i

s it.” The rule of game shows on PPT (对上节课单词的检测)

  ③After reviewing the words, teacher ask student a question: There are many colors in our life, now who can try to say the other colors?

  ④Teacher show the four cards of “blue”, “pink,” “black,” “white” on the blackboard. Read them follow teacher and let students show their fingers to spell them.

  ⑤Show the PPT about the colors. And let students talk about the colors that we can see in our life.

  ⑥Ask another question: “Now most of people fed animal, what the animal called?

  ⑦Teach say the right answer and show another card of “pet”.

  Students read it follow teacher.

  ⑧Show PPT about “rabbit” on the blackboard and let student read it.

  ⑨At this moment, students need rest. So teacher play a game about new words . Teacher show the Chinese, students say it in English. Step 3: Learn new lesson

  ①Firstly, listen to the tape about the new lesson.

  ②Put three cards of “it”, “have”, “color” and let students read follow teacher.

  ③Secondly, open the book on page 65 and read the text together.④Thirdly ask students read.

  ⑤Underline the stress and translate the dialogue.

  ⑥Stress the sentence of “What color is it?” “I have a….”and the answer of “It’s….” (The answer must about color)

  Step 4: Set up situation

  ①Show the PPT about different colors’ things and ask some student to act.

  ②Ask more students to act.

  ③At last, whole class read the text once more.

  Step 5: Summary

  Today, we learn some basic knowledge of colors. I hope you can have a consciousness about it. You have to review, recite words and

  do to homework.

  Step 6: Homework

  ①Copy the text and new words. ( Three times.) ②Recite the dialogue and words.


