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高中英语教案参赛 篇一

教案主题:Listening and Speaking Skills Development


1. 提高学生的听力和口语能力,特别是在不同场景下的交流能力。

2. 增强学生的听力理解和口语表达能力,培养他们在日常生活和学习中正确运用英语进行交流的能力。

3. 培养学生的团队合作精神和互助意识,通过小组活动提高学生的互动和沟通能力。


1. 听力技巧的训练和提高。

2. 口语表达的练习和提升。


1. 学生在听力理解方面可能会遇到困难。

2. 学生在口语表达方面可能会感到不自信。


1. PPT演示文稿。

2. 音频材料和录音设备。

3. 学生小组分组表。


Step 1: Warm-up (5 minutes)


Step 2: Listening Practice (15 minutes)


Step 3: Speaking Activity (20 minutes)

教师组织学生分成小组,每个小组选择一个话题,例如"Traveling"或"Food and Drinks"。然后,每个小组成员依次发表自己对该话题的看法,并互相交流。教师在此过程中给予学生必要的指导和反馈。

Step 4: Group Presentation (15 minutes)


Step 5: Wrap-up (5 minutes)



1. 学生可自由选择其他感兴趣的话题进行讨论,扩展他们的交际能力。

2. 学生可以通过录音设备录制自己的口语表达,然后进行自我评估和改进。

高中英语教案参赛 篇二

教案主题:Reading and Writing Skills Enhancement


1. 培养学生阅读和写作的兴趣,提高他们的阅读和写作技巧。

2. 培养学生的批判性思维和分析能力,提高他们的文学鉴赏能力。

3. 培养学生的独立思考和表达能力,提高他们的写作水平和语言表达能力。


1. 阅读技巧的训练和提高。

2. 写作表达的练习和提升。


1. 学生在阅读理解方面可能会遇到困难。

2. 学生在写作表达方面可能会感到不自信。


1. PPT演示文稿。

2. 阅读材料和写作题目。

3. 学生写作范文和评分标准。


Step 1: Warm-up (5 minutes)

教师向学生介绍一篇名叫"The Power of Literature"的文章,让学生朗读并回答相关问题,以激发学生的阅读和写作兴趣。

Step 2: Reading Comprehension (15 minutes)


Step 3: Writing Practice (20 minutes)

教师给学生一个写作题目,例如"Write a letter to the editor about the importance of recycling"。学生在规定时间内完成写作,并交换作文进行互相评阅。教师在此过程中给予学生必要的指导和反馈。

Step 4: Peer Review (15 minutes)


Step 5: Wrap-up (5 minutes)



1. 学生可以选择其他感兴趣的题目进行写作,扩展他们的写作能力。

2. 学生可以组织文学阅读小组,分享和讨论自己喜欢的文学作品。

高中英语教案参赛 篇三











  Lesson Plan of Unit 4




  覆盖内容:Discovering useful structures(Attributive clauses)



  By the end of this class, the students will be able to

  ?Identify the attributive clauses and the relative pronouns with teacher’s illustrations.

  ?Select right proper pronouns for attributive clauses by practising.

  ?Modify somebody or something with an attributive clause flexibly either in written or oral work.


  Step 1 Lead-in and presentation (7 minutes)

  1. Listening to a story (class work)

  Give a group of sentences which include attributives clauses. Ask the students to listen carefully and find what happened to my friend. The passage can be like this:

  I have a good friend who was a volunteer in the Wenchuan earth quake-hit areas in 2008. He was extremely shocked when he arrived there. He found buildings that had stood in the downtown were destroyed. The highways which led to the world outside the mountains were blocked by big rocks that fell down from the mountains. The residents whose home had been completely destroyed were searching or digging for their family members, colleagues or friends.

  2. Retelling the story(pair work)

  Ask the students try to retell the story with help of the following expressions:

  a. I have a good friend

  b. He found buildings

  c. The highways

  d. The residents

  3. Putting the sentences on the blackboard/screen and underlining the attributives clauses. (single work)

  a. I have a good friend who was a volunteer in the Wenchou quake-hit areas in 2008.

  b. He found buildings that had stood in the downtown were destroyed.

  c. The highways which led to the world outside the mountains were blocked by big rocks that fell down from the mountains.

  d. The residents whose home had been completely destroyed were searching or digging for their family members, students, colleagues, or friends.


  Step 2 Discovering the grammar rules(12 minutes)

  1. Translating the sentences above(pair work)

  Ask the students to translate the sentences above with the teacher’s help .

  2. Finding out the function (class work)

  Ask the students to focus on the underlined parts of each sentence, and pay attention to its structure function. Help them draw a conclusion: An attributive clause gives more information about someone or something referred to in the main clause.

  3. Discovering the structure(pair work)

  With teacher’s illustrations,students try to sum up the structures of attributive clause : sb.sth. + that/which/who/whose + other parts of the clause

  Antecedent + Relative pronoun + other parts of the clause


  Step 3 Summing up the usage (10 minutes)

  1. Scanning (single work)

  Ask the students to scan the text and find out the attributives clauses.

  a. But the million of people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night.

  b. A huge crack that was eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide cut across houses, roads and canals.

  c. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.

  d. It was a city whose hospitals, 75% of its factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone.

  e. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.

  f. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.

  2.Comparing & finding the rules (group work)

  Ask the students to compare the underlined sentences from the text and find the relative pronouns, then discuss in what cases those relative pronouns are used.

  3.Filling in blanks and translating (single work)

  Ask the students to complete and translate the sentences in Exercise 2 on page 29 in the textbook.

  4. Explaining the usage of the relative pronouns

  Ask a few students to try to explain the usage of the relative pronouns with the sentences they found in the text. Then teacher gives a summary.


  Step 4 Practising(12 minutes)

  1. Making simple sentences (group work)

  Ask the students to work in group

s of 4 and make simple sentences. Put the sentences on the blackboard.

  2. Making complex sentences (group work)

  Ask the students to work in groups to develop those simple sentences into complex sentences with attributives clauses. Have a check in group.

  3. Describing pictures with attributive clauses

  Pictures in the Pre-reading can be reused here. Or some other pictures prepared by teacher.


  Step 5 Assessment and summary (3 minutes)

  Ask the students to read out their sentences in class and give comments with each other. Then teacher give a brief summary for the usage of the attributives clauses.


  Step 6 Homework (1 minute)

  1. Choose 5 sentences you heard in class and write them down in the Exercise-book.

  2. Do Ex. 1 on Page 64 .

  Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero教案

  Unit 5 Nelson andela a modern hero教案

  Unit 5 Nelson andela ? a modern hero

  1. quality

  (1)[u. c.]质,质量,品质

  e.g. Quality is more important than quantity.


  e.g. One quality of wood is that it can burn.


  e.g. odesty is one of his good qualities.


  2.warm ? hearted

  cold ? hearted kind - hearted warm - blooded cold ? blooded



  be mean with/about sth.对于……是吝啬的


  be mean to sb./sth.

  e.g. They were mean to me.


  e.g. David Beckham is a mean football player.

  (4)vt. 意思是;意味着表示……的意思;打算;有……目的

  mean to do sth. mean doing sth.



  be active in sth.在……方面积极的

  take an active part in sth.积极参加某事

  e.g. The government took active measures to prevent the spread of the disease.



  e.g. That child has a very active imagination.


  be devoted to sb./sth.

  be devoted to doing sth.

  devoted oneself to…

  to: prep. pay attention to…

  It is well know that he devoted his whole life to promoting world peace.(将他的一生奉献于促进世界和平)(devote, promote)

  6.die for



  e.g. I’m dying for a cup of water.

  7. fight

  fight + n.

  fight with sb.

  fight against sb./sth.

  fight for sth.

  fight back


  a piece of advice

  advice sb. (not) to do

  advice sb. against doing sth.

  advice doing

  advice that-clause (should do)

  advice sb. on sth.

  advice wh- to do



  advice“忠告,建议”为不可数名词,表示“提建议”用动词give或offer。He gave me some advice on how to improve my English.

  suggestion“建议”,可数名词,表示“提建议”时用动词make。What suggestions did he make just now?

  tip“指点,建议”,往往指内部的或专家性的指导或告诫。The following are tips for Internet surfers.


  under/with the guidance of sb.



  误:After getting up, the telephone rang.

  正:After he got up, the telephone rang.

  After getting up, he made the bed.


  choose chose chosen

  choose n.

  choose from/between

  choose sb. as/for

  choose sth. for sb.

  cannot choose but to do



  choose为“选择”的一般用语,指从较多的人或物中选出。We chose this book as a present for him.

  select强调“精挑细选”,有“择优”和“分层次”之意。He has been selected for the team.

  elect意为“选举”,指重大政治选举中选出某人担任某一职务。He was the first black to be elected president.

  12.blow up



  blow away枪杀;彻底战胜;使(某人)大为惊讶

  blow in不期而至

  blow out吹灭,吹熄

  blow off不重视,轻视

  blow over吹倒,刮倒


  (1)be equal to

  (2)be/feel equal to (doing) sth.胜任,经得起


  e.g. Four times five equals twenty.


  have the power to do

  take power; come into power

  (be) in power

  lose power



  beg sb. for sth.

  beg sth. of/from sb.

  beg sb. to do sth.

  beg to do sth.


  beg for sth.

  beg from sb.

  beg sth. from sb.


