幼儿园小班英语教案:认识苹果和橘子 篇一
Title: Introducing Apples and Oranges to Kindergarten Children
To introduce kindergarten children to the names and characteristics of apples and oranges in English.
Language Skills:
Listening, speaking, and vocabulary building.
- Real apples and oranges
- Flashcards with pictures of apples and oranges
- A large poster with the words "APPLE" and "ORANGE" written on it
- A chart paper and markers
- A CD player and a CD with a song about fruits
1. Warm-up (5 minutes)
- Greet the children and ask them if they like fruits.
- Show them a flashcard with a picture of a fruit and ask them to name it.
- Play a short game of "Simon Says" using fruit-related actions such as "Touch your head if you like apples."
2. Introduction (10 minutes)
- Show the children the real apples and oranges and ask them if they can name the fruits.
- Hold up the flashcards and elicit the names of the fruits from the children.
- Point to the words "APPLE" and "ORANGE" on the poster and say the words aloud, encouraging the children to repeat after you.
3. Vocabulary Building (15 minutes)
- Show the flashcards one by one and say the names of the fruits aloud.
- Ask the children to repeat the names after you.
- Hold up a flashcard and ask a child to come forward and touch the corresponding fruit among the real apples and oranges.
- Repeat this activity with different children until all the flashcards have been used.
4. Song and Movement Activity (10 minutes)
- Play the CD with the fruit song and ask the children to listen and clap along to the rhythm.
- Encourage them to sing along if they are familiar with the lyrics.
- Show them actions related to the fruits in the song, such as pretending to pick apples from a tree or peeling an orange.
- Have the children stand up and dance or move around the classroom while the song is playing.
5. Recap and Assessment (10 minutes)
- Review the names of the fruits with the children using the flashcards and the poster.
- Divide the children into small groups and give each group a chart paper and markers.
- Ask them to draw and label apples and oranges on their chart papers.
- Walk around the classroom and assess their understanding of the fruits by observing their drawings and labels.
6. Closure (5 minutes)
- Thank the children for their participation and summarize the lesson by reminding them of the names and characteristics of apples and oranges.
- Sing the fruit song one more time and encourage the children to join in.
- Ask the children to bring a piece of fruit to school the next day and share it with the class. They can talk about the color, taste, and texture of the fruit in English.
Note: This lesson plan is designed for a small class of kindergarten children and can be adapted as per the teacher's discretion and the students' needs.
幼儿园小班英语教案:认识苹果和橘子 篇二
Title: Exploring Apples and Oranges in Kindergarten English Class
To engage kindergarten children in hands-on activities to explore the characteristics and tastes of apples and oranges in English.
Language Skills:
Listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
- Real apples and oranges
- Charts or posters with pictures and descriptions of apples and oranges
- Flashcards with vocabulary words related to apples and oranges
- Worksheets with coloring and tracing activities
- A CD player and a CD with a story about fruits
1. Warm-up (5 minutes)
- Greet the children and ask them if they have ever tasted apples or oranges before.
- Show them a flashcard with a picture of an apple or an orange and ask them to name it.
- Play a short game of "Fruit Memory" where the children have to remember the sequence of fruits shown on flashcards.
2. Introduction (10 minutes)
- Show the children the real apples and oranges and ask them to touch, smell, and describe the fruits using English words.
- Display charts or posters with pictures and descriptions of apples and oranges.
- Read out the descriptions and ask the children to match them with the corresponding fruits.
3. Vocabulary Building (15 minutes)
- Use flashcards with vocabulary words related to apples and oranges (e.g., red, green, round, sweet, juicy) and elicit the meanings from the children.
- Have the children repeat the words after you and practice saying them aloud.
- Play a game of "Fruit Charades" where one child acts out a word while the others guess the word.
4. Storytelling and Discussion (10 minutes)
- Play a CD with a story about fruits, focusing on the parts about apples and oranges.
- Pause the CD at relevant points and ask questions to check the children's comprehension.
- Discuss the story with the children and encourage them to share their thoughts and experiences related to apples and oranges.
5. Hands-on Activities (15 minutes)
- Divide the children into pairs or small groups.
- Distribute worksheets with coloring and tracing activities related to apples and oranges.
- Ask the children to color the pictures of apples and oranges and trace the names of the fruits.
- Walk around the classroom and provide assistance as needed.
6. Group Discussion and Presentation (10 minutes)
- Bring the children back together as a group and ask them to share their worksheets with the class.
- Encourage them to describe the colors, shapes, and tastes of apples and oranges in English.
- Display their worksheets on a bulletin board or on the wall to showcase their work.
7. Recap and Assessment (5 minutes)
- Review the vocabulary words related to apples and oranges using flashcards and ask the children to say the words aloud.
- Show them the real fruits again and ask them to touch and describe the fruits using the vocabulary words.
8. Closure (5 minutes)
- Thank the children for their active participation and summarize the lesson by recapping the main characteristics and tastes of apples and oranges.
- Sing a song about fruits together and encourage the children to sing along.
- Ask the children to draw a picture of their favorite fruit and write a sentence describing the fruit using the vocabulary words learned in class.
Note: This lesson plan is designed for a small class of kindergarten children and can be modified according to the teacher's discretion and the students' abilities.
幼儿园小班英语教案:认识苹果和橘子 篇三
教师与幼儿一起欣赏“head and shoulders”,边听边做动作,以达到课前的活动准备。
t: look!what’s this?
t: yes.a box
what’s in the box? what’s in the box?
do you know,do you know
who want to try,let me try
ding ding dong(敲盒子),let me try
t: ok,do you want to know?(引导幼儿说出yes或no)
t: who want to try(作举手状,并引导幼儿说出let me try)
当幼儿拿出苹果之后,教师用英文输入:oh(惊喜的),what’s this?
t: yes,apple!(教师要抑扬顿挫的反复输入).
t:hmm!(作闻的动作)the smellis good.
然后拿到幼儿面前:smell it!
接着问幼儿:what’s this?
t: yes.orange(教师也要用抑扬顿挫的声调反复输入)。
t: I’m hungry now.I want to eat some fruits,who want to help me?(作举手状)
接着当幼儿上来时,教师说:I like apple/orange。看幼儿是否拿到正确的水果。如果拿错,可说:no,I don’t like orange. I like apple(手指apple).无论何种情况,记得说thank you.
先把水果图片贴到大树上,让幼儿去摘自己想要的水果(可先请配班老师做示范。教师说I like orange,配班教师摘橘子;教师说I like apple,配班教师摘苹果,然后请个别幼儿上来摘,摘到的`就送给他作为奖励。并说:Oh,yes,this is apple/orange.very good,thank you!
t: apple,standup.jump!(拿apple的小朋友站起来跳一下)
t: do you want to eat(继续引导二说出yes)
c: yes
t: ok,follow me! I like apples/oranges.
接着教师发水果让幼儿品尝。(拿到幼儿面前时一定要鼓励幼儿大声说出“I like apples/oranges”,方可给他。人数太多可请配班老师帮忙。)
6.唱英文歌“I like apple”.
apple is red,apple is round,apple’s juicy,apple is sweet,
apple apple I like you,apple’s juicy,I like to eat.
〈2〉t: ok!we are so tired. let’s have a rest.
let’s say goodbye to the apple.
t:say goodbye to the orange.