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英语阅读课的优秀教案 篇一

Title: An Excellent Lesson Plan for English Reading Class


English reading is an essential skill that students need to develop in order to improve their language proficiency. To ensure effective learning, a well-designed lesson plan is crucial. In this article, we will explore an excellent lesson plan for an English reading class.


The objective of this lesson plan is to enhance students' reading comprehension skills and vocabulary acquisition through engaging activities and discussions.

Lesson Plan:

1. Warm-up Activity (10 minutes):

a. Start the class by asking students to share their favorite books or stories in English.

b. Engage students in a short discussion about the importance of reading and how it benefits language learning.

2. Pre-reading Activity (15 minutes):

a. Introduce the reading passage/topic to students.

b. Show related pictures or videos to pique students' interest and activate their prior knowledge.

c. Distribute a set of pre-reading questions to students and encourage them to discuss the answers in pairs or small groups.

3. Reading Activity (20 minutes):

a. Provide students with the reading passage and give them a few minutes to skim through it.

b. Ask students to read the passage silently and underline unfamiliar words or phrases.

c. Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a specific section of the passage to read and discuss.

d. Encourage students to ask questions, clarify doubts, and exchange opinions within their groups.

4. Post-reading Activity (15 minutes):

a. Conduct a whole-class discussion to review the main ideas, key details, and vocabulary from the reading passage.

b. Facilitate a debate or a role-play activity related to the topic of the reading passage.

c. Assign a short writing task, such as summarizing the main points or expressing personal opinions about the topic.

5. Extension Activity (10 minutes):

a. Provide students with additional reading materials related to the topic.

b. Encourage students to explore the topic further through independent research or by reading related articles or books.

6. Wrap-up (5 minutes):

a. Recap the main points covered in the lesson.

b. Give students an opportunity to ask questions or share their thoughts on the reading activity.


This excellent lesson plan for an English reading class incorporates various activities to engage students and foster their reading comprehension skills. By using a combination of pre-reading, reading, and post-reading activities, students are encouraged to actively participate in discussions, expand their vocabulary, and develop a deeper understanding of the text. This comprehensive approach creates an effective learning environment that promotes students' overall language development.

英语阅读课的优秀教案 篇二

Title: A Creative Lesson Plan for English Reading Class


English reading classes can sometimes be monotonous, leading to a lack of interest and motivation among students. To address this issue, it is essential to design a creative lesson plan that not only enhances reading skills but also fosters a love for reading. In this article, we will explore a creative lesson plan for an English reading class.


The objective of this lesson plan is to develop students' reading comprehension skills, critical thinking abilities, and creativity through engaging and interactive activities.

Lesson Plan:

1. Warm-up Activity (10 minutes):

a. Begin the class by playing a short video clip or displaying an interesting image related to the reading passage.

b. Ask students to share their initial thoughts or reactions to the video or image.

c. Introduce the topic of the reading passage and establish its relevance to students' lives.

2. Pre-reading Activity (15 minutes):

a. Provide students with a set of vocabulary words related to the reading passage.

b. Ask students to create their own sentences using the given vocabulary words.

c. Engage students in a vocabulary guessing game, where they have to match the words with their definitions.

3. Reading Activity (20 minutes):

a. Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a different section of the reading passage.

b. Provide each group with a set of discussion questions related to their assigned section.

c. Encourage students to read the passage collaboratively and discuss the questions within their groups.

4. Post-reading Activity (15 minutes):

a. Ask each group to create a visual representation of their assigned section using drawings, posters, or multimedia tools.

b. Allow each group to present their visual representation to the class and explain the main ideas and key details depicted in their creation.

c. Conduct a class-wide discussion to compare and contrast the different interpretations of the reading passage.

5. Extension Activity (10 minutes):

a. Divide the class into pairs and assign each pair a different character from the reading passage.

b. Ask students to imagine a conversation between their assigned characters and write a dialogue script.

c. Encourage students to perform their dialogues in front of the class, incorporating their understanding of the characters and the events in the reading passage.

6. Wrap-up (5 minutes):

a. Summarize the main points covered in the lesson.

b. Ask students to reflect on their learning experience and share their thoughts on how the creative activities enhanced their understanding of the reading passage.


This creative lesson plan for an English reading class provides students with opportunities to engage in interactive and imaginative activities, making the learning process more enjoyable and effective. By incorporating visual representations, dialogue creation, and group discussions, students' reading comprehension skills are enhanced, critical thinking abilities are developed, and creativity is nurtured. This approach not only improves students' language proficiency but also fosters a love for reading, making the English reading class a truly engaging and enriching experience.

英语阅读课的优秀教案 篇三




  自选阅读材料《the first transcontinental railroad》,摘自Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum.


  本课是一节基于互惠式教学理论设计的英语阅读课。通过互惠式学习的四个步骤:Prediction; Clarification;

Questioning; Summary,教师引导学生对文章进行阅读猜测,阅读难点澄清,设计问题最后对文章进行总结,旨在训练学生自主的阅读能力。







  a. 让学生认识了解美国第一条跨大陆铁路的历史及其重要意义;

  b. 让学生学习并了解中国劳工的贡献;

  c. 培养学生的批判性思维能力和人文素养;


  a. 通过历史背景介绍引入话题;

  b. 通过预测,知识点讲解,小组讨论,总结复习四步进行让学生完成阅读任务,掌握内容,升华知识点和意识。


  a. 学习并欣赏中国劳工的勤劳、坚韧;

  b. 让学生通过学习认识科学发展的重要性,培养忧国忧民意识和爱国之情。







  Step one. Leading in

  1. Start the class by asking, ‘are you excited about going back home for winter vocation’.

  2. Ask students where they come from and how far it is. Pause for students’ feedback.

  3. Ask students to imagine what they are going to do if there is no railroad.



  Step two. Background introduction

  1. Tell students that this railroad was built in 1860s. Explain to students the meaning for transcontinental.

  2. Prompt students to think back what the events are back in 1860s. (pause for 1-2 minutes until students give several responses)



  Step three. Prediction

  1. Display on screen the key sentences picked out from the article and ask students to read and predict what this article is about.

  2. Pick 1-2 students to do prediction.

  3. Give students 3 minutes to scan read this article to find out if their prediction is right.



  Step four. Clarification

  Display on screen the new word and ask students to replace the new word with other words that they know without changing the meaning of the sentence.



  Step Five. Questioning

  1. Ask students to work in groups and skim the article and design four questions for each paragraph.

  2. After 5 minutes,, pick students from different groups and ask them to speak out their question. ’By asking back questions, guide students to spot detailed information in the article.

  3. For paragraph 2, ask students ‘which sentence can tell well the financial and labor problem? For paragraph 3, ask students’ what words can best tell the situation of Chinese immigrant?’ For paragraph 4, ask student which sentence describe Chinese techniques in building railroad. For paragraph 5, ask student which sentence tells the recognition of Chinese’ contribution?



  Step six. Summary

  Display on screen the four questions and major hints and challenge students to do a summary on the article.



  Step Seven. Assignment

  Imagine that you were one of the Chinese labors back in 1860s. After completing the railroad in 1869, you are about to write a letter to your family in China, talking about your life, work and feeling. (No less than 150 words)




